Press Room
Tri-Valley Cares Press Releases
Historic Settlement Reached in NEPA Lawsuit Over Plutonium “Pit” Bomb Core Production
The National Nuclear Security Administration announced its proposal yesterday…
Government Quietly Announces Dangerous New Plan for More Plutonium at Livermore Lab to Increase its Nuclear Weapons Activities
The National Nuclear Security Administration announced its proposal yesterday…
U.S. ICBM Test Launch Set for Election Day from California, Activists Denounce It As ‘Wasteful’ and ‘Dangerous’
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Monday, November 4, 2024 For further information, contact: [email protected] At 11:45 pm on Election Day, Nov. 5, activists from around the state will gather near Vandenberg Space...
Tri-Valley Cares in the news
If President Trump and Elon Musk want to cut federal waste, they should listen to activists who’ve been targeting the land-based leg of the nuclear triad for decades.
Scott Yundt, Executive Director at Tri-Valley CAREs, says the ICBM test launches at Vandenberg “only serve to provoke other nuclear weapon states.”
U.S. ICBM Test Launch from CA Base Draws Opposition
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Monday, February 17, 2025 For further information, contact: [email protected] The U.S. Air Force has announced it will test an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) between 11 p.m. PT on February 18 and 5 a.m. PT February 19. During such tests, which...
Livermore Lab Needs Public Comments on Its Plutonium Plan
Lawrence Livermore National Lab has announced that they want to increase the plutonium “Utilization” at their plutonium facility. Plutonium is a highly hazardous, radioactive metal used in the Lab’s nuclear weapons development work. This plan will increase the quantities of plutonium...
Government plans more plutonium at Livermore Lab for nuclear arsenal as advocacy groups push back
“Plaintiffs including Savannah River Site Watch, South Carolina Environmental Law Project Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition, Nuclear Watch New Mexico and Tri-Valley CAREs forced NNSA to halt construction on many phases of its plutonium pit facility near Aiken, SC, to hold public...
Hot Plutonium Pit Bomb Redux
“Plaintiffs including Savannah River Site Watch, South Carolina Environmental Law Project Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition, Nuclear Watch New Mexico and Tri-Valley CAREs forced NNSA to halt construction on many phases of its plutonium pit facility near Aiken, SC, to hold public...
A Global Day of Action
On Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2025, peace and disarmament groups around the world will celebrate the fourth anniversary of the entry into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). The UN treaty came into force on Jan. 22, 2021, with a recognition of the humanitarian...
We Have Been Nominated! Place Your Vote by January 13th!
We are proud to be included as nominees for the Arms Control Association’s (ACA) Person(s) of the Year for 2024! Tri-Valley CAREs along with Savannah River Site Watch, Nuclear Watch New Mexico, the Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition, and South Carolina Environmental Law Project have...
Election Day ICBM Launch Met with Protest
In Southern California (11:45 p.m. on Election Day), a joint team of Air Force Global Strike Command Airmen and Navy aircrew launched an unarmed Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile equipped with multiple targetable re-entry vehicles from aboard the Airborne Launch Control...
Judge’s ruling seen as victory in fight to control nuclear weapons proliferation
By Marilyn Bechtel A three-years’-long quest by four public interest groups has taken a major step forward with a federal judge’s ruling that the government agencies responsible for U.S. nuclear weapons must thoroughly examine environmental consequences and potential alternatives for...
The Energy Department just made one plutonium pit. Making more is uncertain
"A federal court ruling: Coinciding with NNSA’s announcement of the first diamond-stamped pit, a US District Court ruled that the Energy Department and the NNSA violated the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) by failing to properly consider alternatives before proceeding with pit...
U.S. Nuclear Weapons Sites Violated Rules, Judge Finds
By Matthew Impelli, Newsweek A federal judge ruled this week that some nuclear weapons sites in the U.S. do violate environmental regulations. On Thursday, a federal judge ruled that the National Nuclear Security Administration violated environmental regulations by failing to adequately...
‘Significant Victory’: Court Rules Planned Plutonium Pits for New Nukes Violate US Law
"Public scrutiny is especially important because the activities at issue here, by their very nature, result in the production of dangerous weapons and extensive amounts of toxic and radioactive waste," a plaintiffs' lawyer said. By Olivia Rosane, Common Dreams In what advocates called a...
US nuclear weapon production sites violated environmental rules, federal judge decides
A U.S. Judge has ruled that the National Nuclear Security Administration failed to properly evaluate its expansion of plutonium pit production at two sites in New Mexico and South Carolina in violation of environmental regulations MORGAN LEE Associated Press, ABC News SANTA FE, N.M....
Watchdog group describes fire damage at Site 300
By Bob Brownne / Tracy Press The Corral Fire that burned 14,168 acres south of Interstate 580 in early June also did significant damage to Site 300, where the blaze reportedly started, and to the infrastructure dedicated to the federally-mandated cleanup of the high-explosives testing...
Meeting with LLNL Gives Insight on Corral Fire
On June 1, the Corral Fire began to burn just south of Tracy, California. The size of the fire quickly grew to cover 14,168 acres and burned a portion of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) Site 300 High Explosives Testing Range. The cause of the fire is still under...
“We’re paying for our own annihilation but nobody thinks about it”
BY MARILYN BECHTEL, PEOPLE'S WORLD LIVERMORE, Calif. – “They don’t want peace. Why? Because peace doesn’t make money.” Those words were spoken here at the recent demonstration against the production of thermonuclear weapons at Livermore Labs. As peace activists gathered around the world...
Nuclear danger
Editor, On Tuesday, August 6, 2024, the world will commemorate the 79th anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombing of Hiroshima, Japan. As we stop in our busy lives to reflect on the horrors of Hiroshima, nuclear experts inform us that the danger of nuclear war has never been closer....
End the nuclear threat
Editor, EDITOR: As we approach the 79th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, it is vital to reflect on that tragic day and the ongoing threat of nuclear weapons. The bombing on Aug. 6, 1945 killed over 100,000 people instantly and left countless others suffering from radiation...
Back from the Brink, at Livermore Lab…
On August 6, the 79th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, all are welcome to join a rally and demonstration at the gates of Lawrence Livermore National Lab. The event is called, “Back from the Brink: The Imperative of Nuclear Abolition.” Starting at 8:30 a.m. at the corner of...
Controlled Burns and Wildfires Can Spread Contaminants
The recent Corral Fire quickly grew to 14,168 acres, and concerningly, it burned a portion of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Site 300, its high explosives testing range. Since it was founded in 1955, Site 300 operations have included open-air blasts with high explosives and...
Honoring Daniel Ellsberg
This June 16 will mark the one-year anniversary of the death of Daniel Ellsberg, the renowned scholar, whistle-blower and activist whose revelations about the Vietnam War with the Pentagon Papers sparked a national crisis of conscience in the 70’s. He is not commonly associated...
Livermore Activists Go to Washington D.C.
Friends of local group Tri-Valley CAREs will be in Washington, D.C., from May 19-22 for the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability’s 2024 “DC Days” advocacy week. This event will bring roughly 60 activists from front-line communities around the country to Washington, D.C. to “speak truth to...
Letter to the Editors: UC Fingerprints on Israeli bombs
Jonah Henry At least 27 Gazans, including six women and nine children, have been killed since Monday in a series of unprovoked Israeli airstrikes in Rafah. This latest attack brings the death toll in Gaza to over 34,535 since October 7. Among the bombs that Israel is accused of dropping...
Earth Day Education
Editor, On Saturday, April 27, Tri-Valley CAREs and Tracy residents celebrated Earth Day by learning about renewable energy, and conservation efforts during a celebration held in downtown Tracy. This event was designed to educate individuals on becoming more knowledgeable about...
No possibility of settling enviros’ suit against S.C. pit plant
Dan Leone Settlement talks collapsed weeks ago between the Department of Energy and environmental groups who sued the agency over its plan to produce nuclear-weapons cores in South Carolina, a Tuesday court filing shows. "Both parties were hopeful that the nearly two-month mediation...
Radioactive Iodine Exposure Under Review
One LLNL Employee Affected; DOE Says Below Levels of Concern By David Jen | The Independent LIVERMORE — The Department of Energy (DOE) has recently announced that it is investigating an incident in which an employee of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) was accidentally...
Nuke treaty anniversary observed with calls for U.S. ratification
By MARILYN BECHTEL, | People's World San Francisco LIVERMORE, Calif. – As workers entered the west gate of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory on the morning of Jan. 21, they were greeted by protesters displaying 8-foot banners declaring, “World to U.S.: Nuclear Weapons are...
Tri-Valley CAREs’ Executive Director Scott Yundt talks with Chris Nelson on the KZFR Chico Peace and Justice Hour
October 6, 2023 - Scott Yundt (Tri-Valley CAREs) LISTEN HERE ► CLICK HERE TO VIEW ALL POSTS >
NBC Bay Area Covers – Silent Vigil at Lawrence Livermore Lab Remembers Atomic Bomb Victims
Members of Tri-Valley CAREs and other peace advocates held a silent vigil Friday morning at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to remember the victims and mark 78 years since the atomic bombings in Japan. The group also paid tribute to one of the more notable opponents of nuclear...
abc7 News Covers – Activists Outside of Lawrence Livermore Lab Remember those who Died in Hiroshima, Nagasaki
LIVERMORE, Calif. (KGO) -- It's been nearly 78 years since the U.S. atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Every year, different groups come to the Lawrence Livermore National Lab to remember those who died and push for change locally. "We gather here because Lawrence Livermore...
KPFA News Interviews TVC: “Peace activists rally at Livermore Laboratory for nuclear disarmament, ahead of 78th anniversary of the U.S. bombing of Hiroshima”
Peace activists rally at Livermore Laboratory for nuclear disarmament, ahead of 78th anniversary of the U.S. bombing of Hiroshima – Interviews with Scott Yundt and Marylia Kelley
Livermore Lab
Livermore Lab is one of two locations that designs every nuclear weapon in the U.S. arsenal. Much of the weapons work takes place at the Livermore Lab Main Site, located along Vasco Road and East Avenue. More than 90,000 people live in Livermore and nearly 8 million live in the 50-mile...
Site 300 priorities
Editor, I have lived in Tracy for many years, and because of the work of a non-profit group, Tri-Valley CAREs, I learned about Site 300, Livermore Lab’s high explosives testing range located on Corral Hollow Road near the new Tracy Hills housing development. Some of us had heard the...
Environmental awareness
Editor, Earth Day is an annual event that began in 1970 as a way to increase environmental awareness. This message has become even more relevant today. Tri-Valley CAREs and its Tracy members are delighted to participate in Tracy Earth Day 2023. We will have a booth with handouts on...
Good Friday at Livermore Lab: A call for a nuclear weapon-free future
By MARILYN BECHTEL LIVERMORE, Calif.—On this Good Friday, as nuclear disarmament, peace, and justice advocates gathered in person and virtually at the gates of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory for their annual Interfaith Service of Worship and Witness, the theme—taken from Dr....
Thank You from Tri-Valley CAREs
Tri-Valley CAREs would like to thank everyone in the community who submitted comments on the Livermore Lab Draft Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement (SWEIS). The SWEIS process is intended to provide the public with analysis of the potential environmental impacts of ongoing...
History Day Coming
Jan.22 is a historic day. That’s the day we celebrate the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons’ entry into force in 2021, aka the “Ban-iversary.” Because the US has not signed the Treaty, the legal prohibitions do not technically apply to us. But the Treaty, representing...
LLNL nuclear program review
| Written by: Raiza Marciscano Editor, After a nearly 2-year delay, the Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) announced that it will release a new Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement (SWEIS) in October. The plans that will be disclosed in the SWEIS...
Residents must speak out on lab’s dangers
| Written by: Scott Yundt In 2020, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) announced it would be releasing a Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement (SWEIS). This document will “analyze the potential environmental impacts for continuing operations of LLNL for approximately the...
Your views: Join Town Hall to discuss Livermore Lab’s Site 300 explosives testing range
| Written by: Gail Rieger Site 300 is a high explosive testing range at the edge of Tracy. Livermore Lab conducts explosions, some inside a building and some in the open-air. The Environmental Protection Agency has placed Site 300 on its Superfund list of the most contaminated sites in...
Time for involvement
| Written by: Gail Rieger Editor, Site 300 is an 11-square-mile high-explosives testing range on Corral Hollow Road at the western edge of Tracy. This is where Lawrence Livermore Lab conducts explosions, some inside a special building and some on “firing tables” in the open-air. The...
LLNL Site-wide Environmental Impact Statement Release Pending
| Written by: Mary Perner The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) recently announced it will release, for public comment, a draft Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement (SWEIS) as required by the National Environmental Policy Act. The SWEIS is necessary for continued...
Safeguard Our Families’ Health
| Written by: Raiza Marciscano-Bettis After a nearly two-year delay, the Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) announced that it will release a new Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement (SWEIS) in October. The plans that will be disclosed in the...
Ukraine war and climate crisis set backdrop for atomic bomb commemoration
| Written by: Marilyn-Bechtel By Marilyn Bechtel LIVERMORE, Calif.—For decades, peace activists have gathered outside the West Gate of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, one of two locations designing and developing every weapon in the U.S. nuclear arsenal, to commemorate the...
Making the Unthinkable Impossible
| Interviewee: Marylia Kelley KPFA Radio An interview with Tri-Valley CAREs' Executive Director Marylia Kelley on current nuclear threats and the August 6 release of the film, "Making the Unthinkable Impossible". LISTEN AT Starting at minute 15:30....
Remembering Hiroshima and Nagasaki
| Written by: Raiza Marciscano-Bettis On August 6, 1945, an American B-29 bomber dropped the first atomic bomb used in war over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Three days later, the U.S. dropped another atomic bomb on Nagasaki. Estimates are that these two atomic bombs killed between...
Marking an Anniversary
| Written by: Mary Perner 77 years ago, this week (1945), the United States detonated two atomic bombs over Japan, executing unthinkable devastation on the people of Hiroshima (August 6) and Nagasaki (August 9). Each bomb held the rough equivalent of 20 kilotons of TNT. It's estimated...
Do we need tactical nukes on US submarines?
| Written by: Tony Green A former sailor wants Congress to deny the comeback of the ‘low-yield’ cruise missiles because they are redundant, and dangerous. By Tri-Valley CAREs’ board member, Tony Green When I walked across the bow of the U.S.S. Topeka for the last time in March 2000, it...
Peace Fresno’s Stir It Up with Marylia Kelley
| Interviewee: Marylia Kelley Listen to a 30-minute interview with executive director Marylia Kelley and host Gerry Bill. Marylia offers updates on Tri-Valley CAREs, U.S. nuclear weapons, and current global nuclear dangers, including in Ukraine. LISTEN AT...
U.S. should embracenuclear weapons treaty
| Written by: Raiza Marciscano-Bettis I’m increasingly concerned about the possibility of nuclear war. That risk is heightened by Russian nuclear saber-rattling and its war on Ukraine. But, in actuality, the possibility that a nuclear weapon could be launched deliberately — or by...
Invisible No More
| Written by: Mary Perner On June 7, I joined a group of friends at the gates of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to raise our banners and our voices against the mounting threat of nuclear weapons. But that is only half the story. Equally, I was at the Lab to extol a...
Nuclear War
| Written by: Raiza Marciscano-Bettis I am increasingly concerned about the possibility of nuclear war. That risk is heightened by Russian nuclear saber rattling and its war on Ukraine. But, in actuality, the possibility that a nuclear weapon could be launched deliberately — or by...
Let’s eliminate nuclear weapons
| Written by: Judy Reynolds For those who share my concern about the dangers to humanity that nuclear weapons pose that was highlighted by Russian President Vladimir Putin when he used the threat of nuclear war in his attack on Ukraine, there is a statement being circulated by the...
Site 300 education
| Written by: Raiza Bettis Editor, On Saturday, April 23, Tri-Valley CAREs had the honor to celebrate with Tracy residents Earth Day. This event was designed to empower, inspire and inform individuals on becoming active, responsible guardians and caretakers of our planet. We shared...
Good Friday vigil: No nuclear weapons, diplomacy, not war, in Ukraine
| Written by: Marilyn Bechtel By Marilyn Bechtel LIVERMORE, Calif. – As nuclear disarmament, peace and justice advocates gathered virtually April 15 for the annual Good Friday Worship and Witness focusing on Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, they posed a question: “This Tax Day –...
Calling for Change
| Written by: Raiza Marciscano-Bettis As the sun rose on Friday April 15, 2022, I commemorated Good Friday with Tri-Valley CAREs and the Ecumenical Peace Institute. As they have for decades, local peace advocates and interfaith organizations gathered to confront nuclear weapons at...
U.S. Nuclear Weapons “Top Line” Budget, Nuclear Posture Review, and News re: Nuclear Aspects of the War in Ukraine
Source: KZFR Radio FM Interview with Tri-Valley CAREs’ executive director Marylia Kelley on the just-released “top line” numbers for nuclear weapons and military spending for the coming fiscal year. Also covered: Pre-release details of President Biden’s Nuclear Posture Review and the...
Biden’s Upcoming Nuclear Posture Review, the Ukraine, and Livermore
| Written by: Mary Perner President Biden's Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) is pending, in fact, overdue. Given Russian President Vladimir Putin's order to raise Russia's nuclear alert status, what will the NPR contain? Will it tamp down nuclear rhetoric and restrain...
Aniversario del tratado nuclear observado con llamados a la ratificación de EE. UU.
| Translated by: Raiza Marciscano-Bettis Fuente: People's World Por Marilyn Bechtel LIVERMORE, Calif. – Cuando los trabajadores ingresaron por la puerta oeste del Laboratorio Nacional Lawrence Livermore en la mañana del 21 de enero, fueron recibidos por manifestantes que mostraban...
Nuke treaty anniversary observed with calls for U.S. ratification
| Written by: Marilyn Bechtel By Marilyn Bechtel LIVERMORE, Calif. – As workers entered the west gate of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory on the morning of Jan. 21, they were greeted by protesters displaying 8-foot banners declaring, “World to U.S.: Nuclear Weapons are Illegal...
U.S. must ratify treaty banning nuclear weapons
| Written by: Raiza Marciscano-Bettis Last week Tri-Valley CAREs went to Livermore Lab, where warheads are developed, to celebrate the first anniversary of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. We rang bells and thanked each of the 59 countries that ratified the treaty...
Honoring Two Anniversaries
| Written by: Mary Perner On January 17th, I will commemorate the life and legacy of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. On January 22nd, I will celebrate the first anniversary of the entry into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. These two events are more...
Honor nuclear weapons treaty
| Written by: Raiza Marciscano-Bettis Editor, Jan. 22 is a historic day. It’s the day that the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons entered into force and became part of international law. The Treaty bans the development, testing, manufacture, acquisition, stockpiling, transfer,...
Jan. 22 is a Historic Day
| Written by: Raiza Marciscano-Bettis Jan. 22 is a historic day - it’s the day that the Treaty on the Prohibition of nuclear weapons entered into force and became part of international law. The treaty bans the development, testing, manufacture, acquisition, stockpiling, transfer,...
The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and Reflections of Dr. King on Nuclear Weapons Abolition
| Interviewee: Marylia Kelley January 14, 2022 Source: KZFR Radio Interview with Tri-Valley CAREs’ Marylia Kelley on the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and the upcoming first anniversary of its entry into force. Also observance of Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday and his...
Congress must slash bloated military budget
| Written by: Loulena Miles By Loulena Miles The U.S. nuclear weapons and military budgets increased dramatically under Donald Trump and sickeningly, will increase again under Joe Biden. But this year’s check has not yet been signed by Congress. Now is a great time to get on the horn to...
Nuclear weapons monitors demand environmental review of new bomb production plans
| Written by: Marilyn Bechtel By Marilyn Bechtel Four public interest groups monitoring the nation’s nuclear weapons development sites are demanding the Department of Energy and the National Nuclear Security Agency conduct a thorough environmental review of their plans to produce large...
On Hiroshima, Nagasaki anniversaries, activists demand abolition of nuclear weapons
| Written by: Marilyn Bechtel Source: People's World By Marilyn Bechtel LIVERMORE, Calif.—This year, at the gates of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, commemoration of the solemn 76th anniversaries of the U.S.’ nuclear devastation of two Japanese cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki,...
‘Big and bold action’ needed from next DOE cleanup boss, say advocates
Source: Aiken Standard By Colin Demarest An alliance of more than 30 organizations in a Monday letter to Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm stressed that the next leader of the Energy Department’s nuclear cleanup office must be dedicated to environmental justice and be capable of making...
Plutonium Pit Production Lawsuit: Jay Coghlan, Marylia Kelley, Tom Clements – Nuclear Hotseat #523
Source: Nuclear Hotseat Plutonium Pit (revered to above as the “core”) is the detonator at the heart of nuclear bombs — and the United States is planning to make up to 80 pits a year for NEW nuclear weapons, in addition to the 1,500 ready-to-use devices already in our arsenal.By Libbe...
Watchdog groups suing Biden administration over plutonium pit plans
Source: Aiken Standard By Colin Demarest, Aiken Standard, S.C. A coalition of public-interest groups on Tuesday said it was suing the Department of Energy and its National Nuclear Security Administration, accusing the agencies of shirking environmental obligations in their ongoing...
Lawsuit filed over plutonium pit plans
Source: Albuquerque Journal By T.S. LAST A coalition of public interest groups that includes Nuclear Watch New Mexico on Tuesday filed a lawsuit against federal agencies over plans to expand the production of plutonium pits – the core of nuclear weapons used to trigger explosions – at...
Feds sued over plan to build atomic weapons component factory in SC
Source: The State By Sammy Fretwell Four public interest groups sued the federal government Tuesday, seeking to stop construction of multi-billion dollar nuclear factories in South Carolina and New Mexico that would make components for new atomic weapons. Savannah River Site Watch,...
New Mexico activists sue federal agencies over pit production plans
Source: Santa Fe New Mexican By Scott Wyland Opponents of federal plans to produce a new generation of nuclear bomb cores are suing the U.S. Department of Energy for refusing to conduct a full nationwide review, arguing the study is required because the operation will involve multiple...
Environmental and public interest groups sue to challenge plutonium production for warheads
Source: KPFA Radio The Pacifica Evening News, Weekdays Correction: Plutonium bomb cores (pits) are not placed into the warheads at Livermore Lab. The government’s plan involves sending plutonium pit material from Los Alamos Lab in NM to Livermore Lab in the Bay Area for “Materials...
Groups sue Biden admin over planned expansion of nuke work in South Carolina
Source: ABC 4 News By Michelle Liu COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — Watchdog groups are suing the Biden administration over plans to produce plutonium cores used in the nation’s nuclear stockpile. The groups argued in a federal lawsuit filed Tuesday that the Energy Department and the National...
Minorities threatened by atomic weapons plants in S. Carolina and NM, groups say
Source: The State News By Sammy Fretwell, A coalition of environmental groups from the southern and western United States is threatening to sue the federal government over plans for plutonium pit factories in South Carolina and New Mexico that would produce components for additional...
The Investing in Cures Before Missiles Act
Source: The Independent News “With all of the global challenges we face, the last thing we should be doing is giving billions to defense contractors to build missiles we don’t need to keep as a strong nuclear deterrence” - this according to California Congressman Ro Khanna, who recently...
Nuke groups pressing Biden administration for more pit production environmental review
Source: Aiken Standard By Colin Demarest A coalition of nuclear watchers and nonprofits is again lobbying the federal government to conduct a more rigorous environmental review of plans to produce nuclear weapon cores in South Carolina and New Mexico, this time hoping the new...
Atomic weapons plan risky for SC, lawyers say. Noted legal service joins fray
Source: The State By Sammy Fretwell A South Carolina legal service has joined the fight against an atomic weapons components factory at the Savannah River Site, raising the possibility that environmental groups will sue the federal government to stop the effort. The South Carolina...
Time to rethink nuclear chain of command
Source: Pleasanton Weekly On Jan. 8, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi spoke to the Pentagon about “preventing an unstable president” from ordering a nuclear strike. Her concern centered on the un-hindered ability of any U.S. President to launch nuclear weapons. No one else legally, or...
Jennifer Granholm’s nuke priorities remain hazy
Source: Aiken Standard By Colin Demarest In written testimony provided to a Senate panel Wednesday, the new president’s pick to lead the Department of Energy said she would prioritize, among other things, American safety and security. Doing so, Jennifer Granholm explained in a single...
Nuclear Weapons – Sole Launch Authority
Source: The Independent News On Friday, Jan. 8, Nancy Pelosi wrote to fellow Democrats, “This morning, I spoke to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley to discuss available precautions for preventing an unstable president from initiating military hostilities or accessing...
Treaty to ban all nuclear weapons is now international law
Source: People's World By Marilyn Bechtel A major milestone on the long road to ridding the world entirely of nuclear weapons was reached on Jan. 22, as the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons officially became part of international law. That road began Jan. 24,...
Sensible nuclear policy needed
Source: Tracy Press Editor, It is very difficult for me to write something negative about a President of the United States, but President Donald Trump’s behavior has completely derailed in the last week. He shows no sign of acknowledgement of what he did was an attack to our nation. His...