In 2020, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) announced it would be releasing a Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement (SWEIS). This document will “analyze the potential environmental impacts for continuing operations of LLNL for approximately the next 15 years.”

A “scoping” period for the SWEIS occurred in 2021, which included a public hearing and written public comment period. Livermore-based community group Tri-Valley CAREs activated hundreds of community members to submit written and oral comments.

The Draft SWEIS will have another public hearing and public comment period coming up. LLNL’s own estimation of the affected area in the case of a lab accident is a 50-mile radius. That includes all of Alameda County and more. It is essential that interested members of the public get involved in the public participation process for the Draft SWEIS. Tri-Valley CAREs website will have useful analysis including a community guide to making a public comment.

Scott Yundt,

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