Friends of local group Tri-Valley CAREs will be in Washington, D.C., from May 19-22 for the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability’s 2024 “DC Days” advocacy week. This event will bring roughly 60 activists from front-line communities around the country to Washington, D.C. to “speak truth to power” to congress and the administration about the impacts of nuclear weapons on our communities. Tri-Valley CAREs’ members will bring their perspective as concerned neighbors living around Livermore Lab’s main site and its Site 300 near Tracy. They will join together for training and an issue update followed by three days of meetings with members of Congress and agency officials. More than 50 meetings will be conducted, and the Tri-Valley CAREs’ team will be a good many of those. Activists will also be distributing a report called “Nuclear Abolition: An Idea Whose Time Has Come,” that includes sections contributed by Tri-Valley CAREs’ staff. They will be asking for cuts to proliferation provocative programs like the Sentinel ICBM and W87-1 warhead (being developed at LLNL), as well as more money for environmental cleanup at nuclear weapons facilities. There are several actions that folks can take from home to amplify and support the mission of Tri-Valley CAREs’ trip to Washington. Check out its website at for more. Also, anyone is welcome to join Tri-Valley CAREs’ special DC Days Report Back Meeting via Zoom on Thursday, June 20, at 7:30 p.m. Details on the same website. Join us!


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