We are proud to be included as nominees for the Arms Control Association’s (ACA) Person(s) of the Year for 2024! Tri-Valley CAREs along with Savannah River Site Watch,  Nuclear Watch New Mexico, the Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition, and South Carolina Environmental Law Project have been nominated for our successful National Environmental Policy Act lawsuit challenging the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) plan to produce 80 plutonium cores for nuclear weapons per year. Read more about our victory here…

Voting will take place between Dec. 13, 2024, and Jan. 13, 2025. Follow the discussion on social media using the hashtag #ACPOY2024. We so appreciate the recognition of our collective work on this case, which has taken over 3 years! We would so appreciate it if you would take a minute and vote for us!

Click here to Vote for us for ACA person(s) of the year!!

Check out the ACA website for a list of all of their illustrious nominees…