Tracy Video Contest Banner Citizen's Watch Newsletter - Tri Valley CAREs

Tri-Valley CAREs Citizen’s Watch:   2019 – 2017  •  2016  •  2015  •  2014  •  2013  •  2012  •  2011  •  2010  •  2009  •  2008  •  2007  •

For media inquiries contact: Marylia Kelley, (925) 443-7148, [email protected]


Tri-Valley CAREs’ Summer 2019 Newsletter is Ready to Read
Saturday, July 27, 2019

Posted by Eric Luna

The latest edition of Tri-Valley CAREs’ quarterly newsletter, Citizen’s Watch, is now ready for you to enjoy. This edition is chock-full of news, reports, announcements, and events.


In our 8-page newsletter, you will find…


Plutonium News You Can Use. Page 1

We Are Strategic. Page 2

Meetings and Alerts 4 U. Page 3

Superfund and the Livermore Lab. Insert

A Letter from our Executive Director. Insert

Aug 6th Action Flyer. Insert 

Our “DC Days” Team. Page 3 

Come to Livermore on Hiroshima Day. Page 4 

CLICK HERE for a PDF of the 8-page newsletter


Tri-Valley CAREs’ Spring 2019 Newsletter, Citizen’s Watch
Sunday, May 19, 2019

Posted by Eric Luna

Tri-Valley CAREs’ quarterly newsletter, Citizen’s Watch, is now ready for you to enjoy. This edition is chock-full of news, reports, announcements, and events.

In our 8-page newsletter, you will find…

The first PDF contains the 4-page newsletter. The 4-page insert follows as a separate PDF.


For a PDF of the 4-page newsletter click here


Tri-Valley CAREs’ Winter 2019 Newsletter, Citizen’s Watch
Thursday, February 28, 2019

Posted by Eric Luna

Tri-Valley CAREs’ quarterly newsletter, Citizen’s Watch, is now ready for you to enjoy. This edition is chock-full of news, reports, announcements, and events.

In our 8-page newsletter, you will find…

  • Warning on Plutonium Expansion in Hill Meetings. Page 1
  • Promoting Environmental Justice. Page 2
  • Doomsday Clock. Page 2
  • Calendar of Events. Page 3
  • Alert! Your Calls are Needed Now. Page 4
  • Tracy Community Meeting March 13 – English. Insert
  • Tracy Community Meeting March 13 – Spanish. Insert
  • Meet Raiza, our Bilingual Community Organizer – English. Insert
  • Meet Raiza, our Bilingual Community Organizer – Spanish. Insert

The first PDF contains the 4-page newsletter. The 4-page insert follows as a separate PDF.


For a PDF of the 4-page newsletter click here

For a separate PDF of the 4-page insert click here


Tri-Valley CAREs’ Fall 2018 Newsletter, Citizen’s Watch
Friday, November 2, 2018

Posted by Marylia Kelley

The Fall 2018 edition of Tri-Valley CAREs’ newsletter, Citizen’s Watch, is now ready for you to enjoy. This edition is chock-full of news, reports, announcements, and upcoming actions.

The first PDF contains the 4-page newsletter. The insert follows as a separate PDF.


In our Fall 2018 newsletter, you will find…

For the 4-page newsletter click here

For the 4-page insert click here


Tri-Valley CAREs’ Summer 2018 Newsletter, Citizen’s Watch
Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Posted by Marylia Kelley

The Summer 2018 edition of Tri-Valley CAREs’ newsletter, Citizen’s Watch, is now ready for you to enjoy. This edition is chock-full of news, reports, announcements, and upcoming actions.

The first PDF contains the 4-page newsletter. The 4-page insert follows as a separate PDF.


In our Summer 2018 newsletter, you will find…

  • Public comment period begins on bomb blast permit
  • Trump’s new, low yield sub-launched warhead
  • Plutonium bomb core production plans
  • DC Days report back
  • Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons turns one
  • Calendar of events for you
  • August 6 (Hiroshima Day) at Livermore Lab
  • Tri-Valley CAREs is in the news
  • Letter from our Executive Director

For the 4-page newsletter click here

For the 4-page insert click here


Tri-Valley CAREs’ Spring 2018 Newsletter, Citizen’s Watch
Tuesday, April 18, 2018

Posted by Marylia Kelley

The Spring 2018 edition of Tri-Valley CAREs’ newsletter, Citizen’s Watch, is now ready for you to enjoy. This special, 14-page edition is chock-full of news, analysis, announcements, and upcoming actions.

The first PDF contains the 4-page newsletter and 8-pages of inserts (collated together). The 2-page petition in English and Spanish follows as a separate PDF.


  • Trump Budget Intensifies Nuclear Risks. Page 1
  • Print Bites. Page 2
  • Your Gift, Doubled! Insert
  • “DC Days” Team Photos. Insert
  • August 6 “Save the Date”. Insert
  • Your Guide to the Nuclear Posture Review. Special 4-Page Insert
  • Petition to Air Board. Insert
  • Alerts 4 U. Page 3
  • Tell Air Board to Reject Bomb Blast Permit Page 4

For the first 12 pages of the newsletter, collated, click here

For newsletter pages 13 & 14 (petition in English and Spanish), click here



Citizen’s Watch Newsletter Fall 2017

Thursday, November 30 2017

Posted by Marylia Kelley & Scott Yundt

Download the PDF here

The Fall 2017 edition of Tri-Valley CAREs’ newsletter, Citizen’s Watch, is now ready for you to enjoy.

This edition is chock-full of news, analysis, announcements, and upcoming actions. Look inside, and you will find:

    • Citizen’s Watch Newsletter Fall 2017
      • Open-Air Toxic Explosions PlannedPage 1
    • Petition & Comment to Sign and Send Insert
    • Youth Video Contest Winners Page 2
    • More Nuclear “Print Bites” Page 2
    • Letter from our Director & Photos Insert
    • Circle Your Calendar Page 3
    • Come to our Holiday Party! Page 3
    • Celebrate the ICAN Nobel Prize Page 4

Download the PDF here



Citizen’s Watch Newsletter Summer 2017

Monday, July 24 2017

Posted by Marylia Kelley & Scott Yundt

Download the 8-page PDF here

The Summer 2017 edition of Tri-Valley CAREs’ newsletter, Citizen’s Watch, is now ready for you to enjoy.

This edition is chock-full of news, analysis, announcements, and upcoming actions. Look inside, and you will find:

      • Citizen’s Watch Newsletter Summer 2017
        • Illegal Airborne Plutonium Shipment to Livermore.Page 4
      • August 9 action at Livermore Lab 8 AM. Page 1 and Insert
      • Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty is Adopted. Page 1
      • Youth Video Contest Opens. Page 3
      • We’re Strategic. Page 2
      • DC Days and next Steps. Page 2
      • Calendar and Alerts. Page 3
      • The Nuclear Posture Review. Page 3
      • Support Tri-Valley CAREs! Insert

Download the 8-page PDF here



Citizen’s Watch Newsletter Spring 2017

Citizen’s Watch Newsletter Spring 2017

        • Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty – A Report Back from the UN Page 1


        • We Have Moved – Our new Office Address…Page 2


        • Print Bites- All the News that Fits to Print Page 2


        • New Report- Accountability Audit Page 3


        • Alerts for You – Upcoming Events Page 3


        • Budget Busting LEPs – Congress Should Cut Nukes Now!Page 4


        • A Letter from our Executive Director –Insert