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Livermore Lab Performance Critiqued – Warhead Delays Noted, Plutonium Pit Work Touted

For nearly a decade, Tri-Valley CAREs, along with colleague organizations Nuclear Watch New Mexico and Savannah River Site Watch have used the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to request the Annual Performance Evaluation Reports (PERs) for National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) nuclear weapons sites. Due to our...

Tri-Valley CAREs Uncovers Cause of Corral Fire

The Corral Fire ignited on June 1, 2024, in the southeast portion of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s (LLNL’s) Site 300, a 7,000-acre experimental test site near Tracy, California. Fueled by high winds averaging 32.7 mph (with gusts up to 43.1 mph), the fire rapidly spread across almost 15,000 acres, damaging...

Take Action! Support Coordinated Day of Action to Raise Awareness on Capitol Hill of the Danger of Nuclear War!

Today, we are supporting the efforts of peace, faith, and disarmament groups who are joining together in Washington DC for a coordinated Day of Action to distribute signed copies of Annie Jacobsen’s powerful book, Nuclear War: A Scenario, to every single member of Congress, including yours! This is a terrific opportunity to...

Tri-Valley CAREs Comments on the Scope of the Environmental Impact Statement Analyzing Livermore Lab’s Proposed Enhanced Plutonium Utilization

Since Livermore Lab’s January announcement that it is preparing a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) to analyze its proposal for “Enhanced Plutonium Facility Utilization,” Tri-Valley CAREs has focused on organizing the community to engage in the public “scoping” process. This included helping assisting...

SPEAK OUT! Send a Comment Oppose Plutonium Utilization Proposed at Livermore Lab – Public Comment Period Extended to Monday, March 3rd

In early January, the National Nuclear Security Administration announced it is preparing a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement…

If President Trump and Elon Musk want to cut federal waste, they should listen to activists who’ve been targeting the land-based leg of the nuclear triad for decades.

Scott Yundt, Executive Director at Tri-Valley CAREs, says the ICBM test launches at Vandenberg “only serve to provoke other nuclear weapon states.”

U.S. ICBM Test Launch from CA Base Draws Opposition

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Monday, February 17, 2025 For further information, contact: [email protected] The U.S. Air Force has announced it will test an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) between 11 p.m. PT on February 18 and 5 a.m. PT February 19. During such tests, which occur several times a year, the missiles...

Livermore Lab Needs Public Comments on Its Plutonium Plan

Lawrence Livermore National Lab has announced that they want to increase the plutonium “Utilization” at their plutonium facility. Plutonium is a highly hazardous, radioactive metal used in the Lab’s nuclear weapons development work. This plan will increase the quantities of plutonium shipped in and out of the Lab, increase the...

Government plans more plutonium at Livermore Lab for nuclear arsenal as advocacy groups push back

“Plaintiffs including Savannah River Site Watch, South Carolina Environmental Law Project Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition, Nuclear Watch New Mexico and Tri-Valley CAREs forced NNSA to halt construction on many phases of its plutonium pit facility near Aiken, SC, to hold public scoping meetings, solicit public comments, and...

Hot Plutonium Pit Bomb Redux

“Plaintiffs including Savannah River Site Watch, South Carolina Environmental Law Project Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition, Nuclear Watch New Mexico and Tri-Valley CAREs forced NNSA to halt construction on many phases of its plutonium pit facility near Aiken, SC, to hold public scoping meetings, solicit public comments, and...