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Celebrate Tri-Valley CAREs’ 2024 Victories!

This has been an amazing year for Tri-Valley CAREs. Thanks to you, and all of our supporters, we have many achievements to share. Here is a sample of our 2024 wins for you to enjoy… 1.Last month, we achieved a major victory when the federal Judge in our four-year-long litigation ruled that, yes, the government violated the law...

Welcome Anoushka! Tri-Valley CAREs Environmental Program Manager

We are thrilled to announce the addition of Anoushka Raj as Tri-Valley CAREs' new Environmental Program Manager! We have expanded our environmental work with a focus on increasing community involvement in the Superfund cleanups at both Lawrence Livermore National Lab's Main Site and its Site 300 High Explosives Testing Range...

We Have Been Nominated! Place Your Vote by January 13th!

We are proud to be included as nominees for the Arms Control Association’s (ACA) Person(s) of the Year for 2024! Tri-Valley CAREs along with Savannah River Site Watch,  Nuclear Watch New Mexico, the Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition, and South Carolina Environmental Law Project have been nominated for our successful National...

We Honor and Congratulate Nihon Hidankyo on their Nobel Peace Prize

Tri-Valley CAREs would like to publicly congratulate the Nihon Hidankyo, a Hibakusha group from Japan, (Hibakusha are survivors of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and/or Nagasaki) who was recently awarded this year’s Nobel Peace Prize by the Norwegian Nobel Committee. You can view their response to receiving the award here....

Action Alert – Thank Members of Congress who Spoke Out on Nuclear Weapons Issues!

On November 13th, ten members of Congress participated in a powerful “Special Orders session” on the House floor, led by Representative Jim McGovern (MA-2). During this session, the members who participated highlighted the escalating threat of nuclear weapons and advocated for bold solutions like House Resolution 77 and the...

Election Day ICBM Launch from CA Met with Protest

At 11:01 pm on Election Day, Nov. 5, as the votes were still being counted, activists from around the CA, including Tri-Valley CAREs Executive Director, Scott Yundt, gathered at the gates of Vandenberg Space Force Base to witness and protest the test launch of a Minute Man III (with multiple reentry vehicles) intercontinental...

U.S. ICBM Test Launch Set for Election Day from California, Activists Denounce It As ‘Wasteful’ and ‘Dangerous’

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Monday, November 4, 2024 For further information, contact: [email protected] At 11:45 pm on Election Day, Nov. 5, activists from around the state will gather near Vandenberg Space Force Base to witness and protest the test of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). During such tests, which...

Judge’s ruling seen as victory in fight to control nuclear weapons proliferation

By Marilyn Bechtel A three-years’-long quest by four public interest groups has taken a major step forward with a federal judge’s ruling that the government agencies responsible for U.S. nuclear weapons must thoroughly examine environmental consequences and potential alternatives for their plans to ramp up production of new...

The Energy Department just made one plutonium pit. Making more is uncertain

"A federal court ruling: Coinciding with NNSA’s announcement of the first diamond-stamped pit, a US District Court ruled that the Energy Department and the NNSA violated the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) by failing to properly consider alternatives before proceeding with pit production, requiring the agency to...