On Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2025, peace and disarmament groups around the world will celebrate the fourth anniversary of the entry into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). The UN treaty came into force on Jan. 22, 2021, with a recognition of the humanitarian impacts of nuclear weapons. It makes nuclear weapons illegal according to international law, similar to chemical weapons and biological weapons.

Specifically, the TPNW prohibits ratifying countries from developing, testing, producing, manufacturing, acquiring, stockpiling, controlling, receiving or threatening to use nuclear weapons. They are also forbidden to host, encourage or assist other nations engaging in any of these prohibited activities. It also requires countries to assist victims and clean up areas contaminated with radiation from nuclear testing, while also building upon an extensive monitoring system to ensure compliance.

Join Livermore-based Tri-Valley CAREs at the gates of Lawrence Livermore Lab to celebrate the anniversary of the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons at the West Gate entrance from 8:30-9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 22, as the Lab employees enter the gates of the Lab. We will hold signs, read parts of the treaty and call out the names of all the countries who have ratified to date!

No nuclear weapons states, including the U.S., have signed or ratified the treaty. This global day of action seeks to bring attention to the ongoing dangers of nuclear war and the humanitarian impacts of nuclear weapons. It will take a global movement for the nuclear powers to jointly disarm. Join us!

For more information visit www.trivalleycares.org.

Original article