TVC Reports

Tri-Valley CAREs Reports

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For media inquiries contact: Marylia Kelley, (925) 443-7148, [email protected]

Current Tri-Valley CAREs Reports (2018 – 2024)

2024 DC Days Ask Report

“Nuclear Abolition: An idea whose time has come”


Prepared by Kathy Crandall Robinson

Your Guide to Key Policy Initiatives in the 2018 Nuclear Posture Review

Click here to read the analysis.


Prepared by Peter Strauss

Hazardous and Radioactive Pollution Issues at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Main Site & Site 300

Click here to read the report

"We are Strategic!"

Prepared by Tri-Valley CAREs

Program Priorities for 2017-2018.

Click here to read “Looking Back,” an accounting of the group’s progress and accomplishments since last year’s strategic planning retreat.

"Presentation on Livermore Lab Site 300 Superfund Cleanup"

Prepared by Tri-Valley CAREs

Download the PDF version of the Presentation.

"Presentación de la limpieza del Superfondo del Laboratorio de Livermore para los residentes, líderes de la Comunidad y dueños de negocios en Tracy"

Preparado por Tri-Valley CAREs, Traducido por Valeria Salamanca

Descargar el PDF de nuestra presentación.