What’s New

Livermore Lab Performance Critiqued – Warhead Delays Noted, Plutonium Pit Work Touted

For nearly a decade, Tri-Valley CAREs, along with colleague organizations Nuclear Watch New Mexico and Savannah River Site Watch have used the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to request the Annual Performance Evaluation Reports (PERs) for National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) nuclear weapons sites. Due to our requests, the agency now posts these reports on its website...

Honoring the Life: Continuing the Work

Tri-Valley CAREs’ staff, board and members honor the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on his birthday, January 15. And, we celebrate his holiday on the third Monday of January each year. Equally important, we strive to carry on his work every day. Dr. King was...

Tri-Valley CAREs 2025 Youth Environmental Video Contest

Tri-Valley CAREs 2025 Youth Environmental Video Contest

Before entering, make sure you meet all the requirements for the contest! All entries that meet the requirements are automatically entered into a pool of consideration for the prizes: The winner receives $750, the runner-up gets $250. Additionally, applicants from...

Let’s Support the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty Together!

Wednesday, January 22nd Join Tri-Valley CAREs at the gates of Lawrence Livermore Lab to celebrate the fourth anniversary of the entry into force of the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. We will meet at the West Gate entrance to the Lab from 8:30-9:30am...

Celebrate Tri-Valley CAREs’ 2024 Victories!

This has been an amazing year for Tri-Valley CAREs. Thanks to you, and all of our supporters, we have many achievements to share. Here is a sample of our 2024 wins for you to enjoy… 1.Last month, we achieved a major victory when the federal Judge in our four-year-long...

We Have Been Nominated! Place Your Vote by January 13th!

We Have Been Nominated! Place Your Vote by January 13th!

We are proud to be included as nominees for the Arms Control Association’s (ACA) Person(s) of the Year for 2024! Tri-Valley CAREs along with Savannah River Site Watch,  Nuclear Watch New Mexico, the Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition, and South Carolina Environmental...

Election Day ICBM Launch from CA Met with Protest

Election Day ICBM Launch from CA Met with Protest

At 11:01 pm on Election Day, Nov. 5, as the votes were still being counted, activists from around the CA, including Tri-Valley CAREs Executive Director, Scott Yundt, gathered at the gates of Vandenberg Space Force Base to witness and protest the test launch of a...

Our Executive Director Featured on NukeTalk Podcast!

Ploughshares · The Nuclear Ballot: The Fallout Generations Scott Yundt, our Executive Director, is featured on the most recent episode of the Podcast NukeTalk, hosted by the Ploughshares Fund. We highly recommend all of the podcasts seasons, which focus on nuclear...

Environmental Youth Video Contest Open for Submissions Now!

Environmental Youth Video Contest Open for Submissions Now!

Enter for a chance to win $750, $500, or $250! Are you concerned about environmental health around Tracy and western San Joaquin County? Do you like making short, informative videos? Are you under 24? Than you should submit to our video contest! Climate change, loss...

Watchdog group describes fire damage at Site 300

By Bob Brownne / Tracy Press The Corral Fire that burned 14,168 acres south of Interstate 580 in early June also did significant damage to Site 300, where the blaze reportedly started, and to the infrastructure dedicated to the federally-mandated cleanup of the...

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