Cover of "Nuclear War: A Scenario" book by Annie JacobsenToday, we are supporting the efforts of peace, faith, and disarmament groups who are joining together in Washington DC for a coordinated Day of Action to distribute signed copies of Annie Jacobsen’s powerful book, Nuclear War: A Scenario, to every single member of Congress, including yours!

This is a terrific opportunity to raise awareness AND send a clear message to Congress that folks like you back home want action and leadership at a time when even President Trump is saying we don’t need new nuclear weapons, and that we need to “denuclearize” with Russia and China.

It is also a great time to ask them to support House Resolution 100 and Senate Resolution 61 Expressing support for the continued value of arms control agreements and negotiated constraints on Russian and Chinese strategic nuclear forces.

How You Can Participate

1. Make a Quick Call

Take 1-2 minutes tomorrow (or in the very near future) to call your House Representative and both Senators to share this simple message:

Hi, my name is [Name]. I live in [City/Town] and am a constituent of Representative [Name] (or Senator [Name]). I am concerned about the growing threat of nuclear war and I want Representative [Name] (or Senator [Name]) to take real leadership on the issue, work to halt the new global nuclear arms race, pursue disarmament diplomacy with Russia and China, and support policies and legislation that reduce nuclear risks. Specifically, co-sponsorship of [ For House Representatives- “House Resolution 100, For Senators “Senate Resolution 61] – Expressing support for the continued value of arms control agreements and negotiated constraints on Russian and Chinese strategic nuclear forces.

Need to find their phone number? You can call the Capitol Hill switchboard at 202-224-3121 or look it up on the U.S. House or U.S. Senate website.

2. Visit Their District Office During the March Recess

The House and Senate are scheduled to be in recess the week of March 17th, meaning your elected officials may be back in your state. Plan to stop by their district office and deliver a similar message as the one above. You can find the address of the offices on the same U.S. House and U.S. Senate websites.

Despite all the ongoing threats to our democracy, government institutions, and rule of law, this is a moment we need to take advantage of.  

If your House Representative or Senators are Republican, make sure they’re aware of what Donald Trump has said recently about nuclear weapons and why we need to act.

If your House Representative or Senator is a Democrat or Independent, tell them you’re counting on them to show real leadership and to take the threat that nuclear weapons pose to all of humanity seriously by co-sponsoring H. Res. 100 or Senate Res. 61.

As always, if you have any questions or want help, please reach out to Scott Yundt, Tri-Valley CAREs, Executive Director at [email protected]