Livermore Lab handles, stores and “treats” hazardous and significant quantities of mixed radioactive waste (which means it’s radioactive stuff and hazardous stuff mixed together) in various buildings around the Livermore Main Site.

Livermore Lab stored the leaking drums in the photo on broken pallets, sitting on asphalt in violation of the law, years ago. They remind us today of the importance of stringent environmental regulation – and of public involvement in the process.

The State of California’s Department of Toxic Substances (DTSC) regulates these wastes. When the DTSC hazardous waste permit for Livermore Lab was issued in 2016, Tri-Valley CAREs and the community made comments – and Tri-Valley CAREs then filed an appeal seeking a more robust, detailed and stringent permit. Our appeal succeeded on several of its points.

Tri-Valley CAREs and any other members of the public had the opportunity to submit a public comment on the draft revised LLNL hazardous waste permit at a virtual public hearing in December and in writing until February 4th. Tri-Valley CAREs believes that there still significant questions and issues with the proposed permit.

CLICK HERE to download the pdf file of the sign and send comment that we prepared for interested members of the public to submit to the DTSC until February 4th.

CLICK HERE to read the longer Tri-Valley CAREs comment that was submitted to the DTSC.

CLICK HERE to read the Tri-Valley CAREs supplemental comment to DTSC (on additional aspects of the permit).