Tri-Valley CAREs and Groups Across U.S. Celebrate the ‘Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear

Weapons,’ on Anniversary of its Entry-Into-Force; Call on U.S. to Sign 

Events Scheduled from the Pacific to the Atlantic and Throughout the Middle

WHAT:          January 22, 2024 marks the third anniversary of the entry into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Seventy countries have ratified the Treaty so far, with additional countries undertaking that process this year. The TPNW currently has ninety-two signatory countries. The Treaty’s rising membership reflects a growing consensus among most of the world’s countries that the extreme threat nuclear weapons pose to all humanity is intolerable.

WHO:             Dozens of groups across the country will mark this third TPNW “Baniversary” with actions at nuclear weapons labs and productions sites, military bases, congressional offices, and other locations to educate decision-makers and the public about the Treaty and hold the U.S. government accountable for being on the wrong side of history with its proliferation-provocative nuclear buildup. Events are planned in CA, PA, ID, NM, TN, KC, WI, AZ, and VA to name just a few. Each group is conducting media outreach.

In Livermore, CA, Tri-Valley CAREs (Communities Against a Radioactive Environment) will sponsor a banner holding event at a nuclear weapons lab presently developing a new warhead for a new ICBM (the W87-1), a new warhead for a new air-launched cruise missile (the W80-4), and a modification of it for small attack subs that do not currently carry nuclear warheads (the W80-4 ALT, SLCM-N). At Livermore Lab, more than 80% of its annual $2 billion budget is spent on nuclear weapons activities.


WHERE:        The public area at the Livermore Lab West Gate (corner of Vasco Rd & West Gate Drive in Livermore). Parking is available off Vasco Road by turning west onto Daphne Drive.

WHEN:          The Livermore celebration will take place Monday, Jan. 22 from Noon to 1 PM, so that workers leaving and entering the Livermore Lab can see our many 8-foot banners.

WHY:             We will call on the U.S. to join the TPNW. Our presence educates Lab workers and the public alike – and lights the path toward a world free of nuclear weapons and the threat of nuclear war.

PROGRAM: We will have multiple 8’-long multiple TPNW banners. We will read sections of the Treaty and call out each of the 70 countries that have ratified it to date.

MORE INFO: [email protected], [email protected], and

Prior year photo at the Livermore Lab West Gate