Tri-Valley CAREs board and staff met for a half day strategic planning session in late September. We started by discussing our accomplishments and shortcomings from the past year. Check out our Looking Forward, Looking Back. We then discussed our strengths and weaknesses as an organization as we move forward. This was followed by a discussion about strategic opportunities and threats in the coming year. This culminated in an exploration of what our Program Priorities should be and vote by the members in attendance.
The results were as follows:
This is about proactively preventing pollution from Livermore Lab’s current and proposed programs, specifically by responding to Livermore Lab’s upcoming release of its Final Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement. This priority also seeks to achieve a publicly accepted, comprehensive cleanup under the Superfund law of toxic and radioactive contamination from past activities at the Livermore Lab Main Site and Site 300. Through this priority, Tri-Valley CAREs will increase public involvement in environmental decision-making. At the strategic level, this priority also covers our participation in the statewide CA Environmental Justice Coalition and other EJ activities, including translating our materials into Spanish.
This is about preventing the development of new and modified nuclear weapons – and the new factories that would produce them. Under this priority, Tri-Valley CAREs will address Livermore Lab’s warhead development programs, with a special focus on the novel-design W87-1 and other new warheads. This priority also encompasses preventing expanded plutonium bomb core production, including at the Savannah River Site, the Los Alamos Lab, and the associated activities at Livermore Lab. Our pit litigation under the National Environmental Policy Act is part of this priority. Through this priority, Tri-Valley CAREs will influence national nuclear policy and the federal budget.
This is about justice for Livermore Lab, and Sandia, Livermore, workers exposed to toxic and radioactive materials. Through this priority, Tri-Valley CAREs will assist nuclear workers and families of deceased workers obtain compensation under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA). With this priority we will also act to preserve ongoing worker health and safety measures, including by maintaining our relationship with the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board and other institutions in order to advocate for stringent safety standards and improvements to their implementation at the local level at Livermore Lab.
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