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Join Us for Daniel Ellsberg Week: Take Action Against a Nuclear World

Daniel Ellsberg was the whistleblower who had spread the Pentagon Papers to the public. He was initially sentenced to 115 years in prison for this leak (dismissed in 1973 on grounds of governmental misconduct). Eventually, the contents of the Pentagon Papers led to the impeachment proceedings of President Nixon, as well as the...

From Livermore to Rafah, U.S. weapons-industrial complex thrives, with GBU-39s and more…

More than 45 Palestinian civilians were killed on May 26 in a fire caused by an unprovoked Israeli airstrike at the Kuwait Peace Camp 1 in Rafah1. According to images reviewed by weapons experts, the bombs that Israel dropped were American bombs called GBU-39s2. The purpose of the airstrike was purportedly to kill two Hamas...

Honoring Daniel Ellsberg

  This June 16 will mark the one-year anniversary of the death of Daniel Ellsberg, the renowned scholar, whistle-blower and activist whose revelations about the Vietnam War with the Pentagon Papers sparked a national crisis of conscience in the 70’s. He is not commonly associated with Livermore, but it is right here...


The Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) is expiring tomorrow, June 7th. RECA was initially created in 1990 to provide minor reimbursement for critical medical care for some victims of radiation exposure from American nuclear weapons development and testing. Since September, senators have attempted to amend the bill,...

Tri-Valley CAREs Team Heads to Washington DC! You Can Take Action From Home…

Four of your Tri-Valley CAREs friends will be in Washington, DC from May 19-22 for the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability’s 2024 DC Days. This event will bring roughly 60 activists from front-line communities around the country to Washington, DC to speak truth to power to Congress and the Administration about the impacts of...

New Report! “Nuclear Abolition: An idea whose time has come”

In preparation for this year’s Alliance for Nuclear Accountability’s DC Days advocacy week in Washington, membership groups including Tri-Valley CAREs contributed to this new report to distribute to members of congress. (Tri-Valley CAREs contributions include the sections about New Warheads and Oversight).  There is also a 2...

Letter to the Editors: UC Fingerprints on Israeli bombs

Jonah Henry At least 27 Gazans, including six women and nine children, have been killed since Monday in a series of unprovoked Israeli airstrikes in Rafah. This latest attack brings the death toll in Gaza to over 34,535 since October 7. Among the bombs that Israel is accused of dropping on civilians are GPS-guided GBU-39s,...

No possibility of settling enviros’ suit against S.C. pit plant

Dan Leone Settlement talks collapsed weeks ago between the Department of Energy and environmental groups who sued the agency over its plan to produce nuclear-weapons cores in South Carolina, a Tuesday court filing shows. "Both parties were hopeful that the nearly two-month mediation process would bear fruit and focused their...

Nuclear Arms Race Dollars flow into Livermore Lab – Again…

The Administration’s Budget Request for Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25) for the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory has been released and it tops $2.5 billion for the first time. The Lab’s overall budget is up 5% over the FY24 Annualized Continuing Resolution (a measure of the budget during 2024 which was passed in piecemeal with...