Tri-Valley CAREs
Communities Against a Radioactive Environment

This professional mini-documentary celebrates Tri-Valley CAREs' 30 years of creating peace, justice, and a healthier environment.
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Monday, December 17, 2018
Posted by Marylia Kelley
Just in time for Christmas, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has released a report, “Options for Reducing the Deficit: 2019 to 2028.”
The full report is available at
The CBO notes, “almost all components of the United States’ nuclear forces are scheduled to be modernized (refurbished or replaced by new systems over the next 20 years… [This] is expected to nearly double the amount spent annually on nuclear forces…”
Commensurate with the unrestrained spending inherent in the Trump Administration’s Nuclear Posture Review and “modernization” plans, CBO outlines more than $120 billion in nuclear weapons savings that could be realized over the coming decade. Here are five nuggets from the report.
1. Cancel the Long-Range Stand Off (LRSO) and save $13.3 billion.
2. Forego the development of a new Interoperable Warhead (also called the W78 warhead replacement) by conducting a simple refurbishment instead, and cancel the new ICBM it would sit atop, saving $30.4 billion.
3. Delay development of the B-21 Heavy Bomber for the coming decade and save $44.9 billion.
4. Reduce the nuclear triad to 8 SSBNs (subs), 150 ICBMs and 1,000 warheads and save $13.1 billion. (Note: Tri-Valley CAREs believes the right number of nuclear weapons is zero; but it’s interesting to note the savings calculated by CBO for a reduction in forces.)
5. The CBO also included in its report the Missile Defense Agency’s ground-based midcourse defense system. Cancelation would save $20.3 billion.
All I want for Christmas is fewer dollars spent on nuclear weapons.
There are opportunities for that to happen during the holiday period and beyond. The Office of Management and Budget can rein-in the budget aspirations of the Defense Dept. and National Nuclear Security Administration. Congressional authorizing and appropriations committees can trim the numbers overall and eliminate whole programs. And, the entire Congress retains the ultimate power of the purse.
Public outcry matters here. Perhaps I should rephrase my holiday wish and say, all I want for Christmas is an active citizenry demanding fewer dollars spent on nuclear weapons and war.
I hope to see you on the “front lines” of social and political change in the coming year, my friends. And, thank you for all you do!

Saturday, December 8, 2018
Posted by Kathy Crandall Robinson
Tri-Valley CAREs is building the campaign against the Trump Administration’s plans to quadruple production of plutonium bomb cores, or so-called pits.
The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) announced plans in May 2018 to produce 80 plutonium pits or more per year by 2030, at least thirty at Los Alamos National Labs and at least fifty at the Savannah River Site (SRS). This expansion of production legally obligates a review under the National Environmental Policy Act.
On Friday, December 7, 2018, the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability (ANA) sent a letter to NNSA demanding the agency conduct a legally required Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) reviewing pit production plans and alternatives.
ANA is a network of 30 organizations, including Tri-Valley CAREs, working to address nuclear weapons production and waste cleanup. The ANA letter follows and supports a similar demand letter sent October 31 by Tri-Valley CAREs and two additional ANA colleague organizations, Nuclear Watch New Mexico and Savannah River Site Watch.
Both letters note that the current production limit of 20 plutonium pits at Los Alamos was set through a previous PEIS review process and codified in a 1996 Record of Decision. The ANA letter states that, “Eighty plutonium pits/year is significantly more than 20/year, and the NNSA plan involves unexamined health, safety and environmental risks as well as financial costs. Further, the proposal would create a new mission at SRS and would involve newly created wastes and other consequences that would likely impact other sites in the nuclear weapons complex.”
Tri-Valley CAREs, ANA, and colleagues will cultivate a growing campaign demanding a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement on expanded plutonium pit production. We are also reaching out to key leaders in Congress to push for a PEIS review. This crucial review process will include opportunity for public comment and engagement on the health, safety, environmental, and financial costs and impacts of these production plans. The PEIS will also stimulate open debate on the rationale for this large-scale bomb production.
to read Alliance for Nuclear Accountability letter, December 7, 2018.CLICK HERE to read Tri-Valley CAREs, Nuclear Watch New Mexico, Savannah River Site Watch letter, October 31, 2018.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Posted by Marylia Kelley and Kathy Crandall Robinson
Nuclear watchdog groups from across the country, including Tri-Valley CAREs, will testify at a hearing in Washington, DC to insist the Department of Energy (DOE) withdraw its “Order 140.1,” a controversial measure that fundamentally alters the relationship between the DOE and the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board by gutting the Safety Board’s scope of work, authority and effectiveness.
Community groups whose members live around – and work inside - the dangerous facilities in the nuclear weapons complex will testify at the hearing that DOE Order 140.1 compromises safety at dozens of sites across the country.
Kathy Crandall Robinson, Tri-Valley CAREs’ DC-based senior policy consultant, will testify at the hearing, as will DOE senior management and other stakeholders. Crandall Robinson’s remarks will represent Tri-Valley CAREs and the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability (ANA), a national network in which we have been active since 1989.
The Order, first announced by DOE this past spring, has drawn scrutiny from ANA groups and from key members of Congressional committees with oversight over the Energy Department.
In the words of the Safety Board’s recent letter to Congress: “the Order wrongly attempts to diminish the authority granted by Congress for the Board to provide independent analysis, advice, and recommendations to the Secretary of Energy in providing adequate protection of public health and safety at defense nuclear facilities.”
DNFSB will live-stream the hearing from 10 AM to 1:30 PM Eastern (that’s 7 AM to 10:30 AM local time). The link to the live-stream will be posted at
Tri-Valley CAREs and ANA have also produced materials for the hearing. Here are four of them.
CLICK HERE for a 2-page fact sheet outlining the importance of the Safety Board.
CLICK HERE for our Press Release.
CLICK HERE for the ANA Letter to Congress requesting action to rescind the Order.
CLICK HERE for Kathy Crandall Robinson’s testimony.
Friday, November 2, 2018
Posted by Marylia Kelley
The Fall 2018 edition of Tri-Valley CAREs’ newsletter, Citizen’s Watch, is now ready for you to enjoy. This edition is chock-full of news, reports, announcements, and upcoming actions.

The first PDF contains the 4-page newsletter. The insert follows as a separate PDF.
In our Fall 2018 newsletter, you will find…
- Hold the LYNE. Page 1
- Print Bites. Page 2
- Alerts 4 U. Page 3
- Getting Strategic. Page 3
- Holiday Party. Insert
- It's the Pits. Insert
- Director's Update. Insert
For the 4-page newsletter click here
For the 4-page insert click here

CLICK HERE for some of our photo memories of Janis in action at TVC

Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Posted by Marylia Kelley
This evening many of us will see adorable kids all dressed up in scary costumes. For something truly frightening, however, I ask you to consider the government’s plans for more nuclear weapons of mass destruction.
Today, Tri-Valley CAREs and two colleague organizations, Nuclear Watch New Mexico and Savannah River Site Watch, are shining a bright light on a little-known program to quadruple U.S. production of plutonium bomb cores, also called pits.
We sent a letter of demand to Trump’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA). As our letter states, the agency “explicitly plans to expand plutonium pit production but has made no visible effort to begin the legally required National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process for a major federal action as defined at 40 CFR 1508.18.”
It’s Halloween, but we are not sugar coating our demands. Instead, we are calling out the government for its violation of our country’s environmental laws and public participation requirements.
And, we are challenging the Trump Administration’s underlying rationale for increasing the capacity four-fold to manufacture new plutonium bomb cores.
CLICK HERE to read our press release.
CLICK HERE to read the letter of demand we sent to the NNSA

Monday, October 8, 2018
Posted by Marylia Kelley
The Trump Administration is pushing ahead with the development of a new, dangerous and more usable nuclear warhead. With your help, we can stop it!
As described in the President’s Nuclear Posture Review and fiscal 2019 budget, the new nuke will be a submarine-launched “low yield” variant to sit atop Trident D5 missiles. According to Trump it will make a U.S. strike more “credible.” In actuality, it lowers the threshold for nuclear use and makes nuclear war more likely.
Representatives Adam Smith (D-WA), Ted Lieu (D-CA), John Garamendi (D-CA), and Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), along with Senator Ed Markey (D-MA), have responded by introducing a bicameral bill, the Hold the LYNE – Low Yield Nuclear Explosive – Act. This crucial piece of legislation, if passed, would prohibit any funds from being used for the research, development, production or deployment of this new warhead.
Here is where you come in. October is Hold the LYNE month to increase the number of co-sponsors on the bill in the House of Representatives. Your immediate phone calls, emails and letters are needed to accomplish this. Further, your member of Congress will be holding local “town halls” and other meetings this month - you can attend and publicly request his/her co-sponsorship. Or, ask any congressional candidate of your choice to commit to co-sponsoring the bill if elected.
The bill’s formal title is H.R. 6840, the Hold the LYNE Act. Here are three ways you can support this crucial legislation and prevent nuclear war before it starts:
CLICK HERE for more.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018
Posted by Kathy Crandall Robinson
The federal Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB) plays a crucial role in providing safety investigation and oversight for activities at Livermore Lab and at many other facilities throughout the nuclear weapons complex. Recently, the role and effectiveness of DNFSB has been put at risk by two challenges.
Tri-Valley CAREs led efforts to counter both challenges, and we have some good news to report.
CLICK HERE for more.

Friday, September 30, 2018
Posted by Marylia Kelley
Under the Superfund law, a Community Involvement Plan (CIP) is a crucial part of the overall remedy for heavily polluted sites, including at Livermore Lab. Indeed, the CIP is intended to be the strategy that enables public participation throughout the decades-long process of cleaning up hazardous wastes that have leaked into the environment.
In establishing Superfund, the U.S. Congress made clear its intent that members of the public must have a say in cleanup decisions that affect their communities.
At Livermore Lab the Main Site was placed on the Superfund list in 1987. The Site 300 high explosives testing range was placed on that list in 1990. The cleanup process involves a smorgasbord of commingled toxic and radioactive contaminants in soils, multiple groundwater aquifers and some surface waters.

The Livermore Lab cleanup is slated to take many decades, perhaps until 2080 at some locations. If a thorough cleanup does not occur, the existing pollution will threaten our future generations’ access to clean air, land and water.
Recently, the Department of Energy Livermore Field Office released an updated CIP covering the Livermore Lab Main Site and Site 300. This document will determine how – and if – residents in the communities surrounding these polluted sites will be brought into the decision-making process. Because the CIP will drive community involvement activities over a number of years, Tri-Valley CAREs believes it is one of the most important documents to come out of the Superfund process.
Our analysis finds it is flawed in significant ways that will prevent significant segments of the populations surrounding the Livermore Lab Main Site and Site 300 from learning about the Superfund cleanup and participating in decisions.
In particular, we were troubled to read that the Lab’s CIP contains zero commitment to translate any materials into Spanish or to assist Spanish speakers provide testimony at public hearings and meetings. Read on for Tri-Valley CAREs recommendations to improve the CIP.
HAGA CLIC AQUÍ para leer más acerca de la Participación Pública es la Clave.
CLICK HERE to read Tri-Valley CAREs’ comments on the Community Involvement Plan.
CLICK HERE to read the Community Involvement Plan.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Posted by Scott Yundt
Tri-Valley CAREs board members, staff, interns and representatives from our membership met on Saturday to review our commitments from last year’s strategic planning retreat and plan our program priorities for the coming year.
The group looked carefully at strategic opportunities and potential threats anticipated in the coming year, balanced against Tri-Valley CAREs’ current strengths and weaknesses, and then voted on which program areas should rise to the top.
Click here for a copy of the Program Priorities chosen for the coming 12 months.
Click here to read “Looking Back,” an accounting of the group’s progress and accomplishments since last year’s strategic planning retreat.
Participants also engaged in a series of organizational development exercises. Let us know if you want to join us for next year’s Strategic Planning!

Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Posted by Marylia Kelley, Tri-Valley CAREs and Jackie Cabasso, Western States Legal Foundation
Thousands of Northern Californians will “Rise for Climate, Jobs, and Justice” on Saturday, September 8 at the Embarcadero Plaza in San Francisco, beginning at 10 AM. The march is part of a global day of action. Tri-Valley CAREs is an endorser.
A powerful opportunity has opened up to link movements. On Hiroshima Day, speaking at the Livermore nuclear weapons lab rally, Pennie Opal Plant, a Climate, Jobs, and Justice organizer and Idle No More-SF Bay cofounder, made a compelling appeal for us to rise up together as one human family to address the twin existential threats posed by climate change and nuclear weapons. Pennie invited us to march together, as an anti-nuclear contingent, in the largest climate march on the west coast! Click here to watch a short clip of Pennie’s remarks.
With our colleagues at Western States Legal Foundation, SF Bay Area Physicians for Social Responsibility, and the Livermore Conversion Project, we at Tri-Valley CAREs have taken up the call.
CLICK HEREfor more...

Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Posted by Marylia Kelley
Our thanks go to the hundreds of you who made phone calls and wrote letters to support two exceptional resolutions putting California in the national forefront on nuclear weapons policy and disarmament.
Now, we have exciting news from both houses of our State Legislature. On August 28, 2018, you succeeded. Assembly Joint Resolutions 30 and 33 both passed the Senate, having previously passed the Assembly. This is a major victory!
Assembly Joint Resolution 30 (AJR 30), introduced by Cecilia Aguiar-Curry (D-Winters), urges the U.S. Congress to pass legislation to restrict the President’s ability to launch a nuclear first strike on his sole authority. No checks or balances are presently in place. AJR 30 specifically supports legislation introduced by Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) and Senator Ed Markey (D-MA).
California is the first State in the Union to pass such a resolution. We can expect California’s action to embolden other states to pass similar measures to restrict the first use of nuclear weapons. Further, California’s action will move the Markey-Lieu federal effort forward.
Assembly Joint Resolution 33 (AJR 33), introduced by Monique Limon (D-Santa Barbara), puts the State of California on record in support of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, adopted by 122 countries at the UN last year. AJR 33 describes the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons. It calls on the U.S. to undertake a series of key disarmament measures - and to sign the Treaty.
Its historic passage by the California legislature will speed other states (and even more cities!) to pass similar resolutions. This is a revolution in values, and California’s action assures that nuclear disarmament remains part of the national discussion. Further, AJR33 is part of changing U.S. norms, a necessary step in achieving a world free of nuclear weapons.
Our particular thanks go to Assembly members Aguiar-Curry and Limon for their vision in introducing these measures and their fortitude in shepherding them through the process. Kudos go out as well to the entire California legislature for stepping up to vote in favor of these important resolutions. Finally, we offer appreciation to the peace and disarmament groups across the state that worked with us toward this day.
With these votes, and with 12% of the country’s population, California has risen to lead toward a safer, saner and nuclear weapons-free future for all life. Well played, Cali!
Monday, August 27, 2018
Posted by Marylia Kelley and Kathy Crandall Robinson

Tri-Valley CAREs and colleague groups in the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability have joined forces to preserve nuclear safety at Livermore and other sites in the U.S. nuclear weapons complex.
The fundamental ability of the federal Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board to obtain access to information, operations and Dept. of Energy nuclear weapons facilities has been put at risk by DOE Order 140.1. This Order significantly curtails Safety Board oversight and endangers nuclear site workers and the public.
Kathy Crandall Robinson, a senior policy consultant to Tri-Valley CAREs, is scheduled to offer testimony on the Order at DNFSB Headquarters in Washington, DC on Tuesday, August 28.
Click here to read the Tri-Valley CAREs/ANA Press Release
Click here to read a 2-page Factsheet re: What’s at Stake
Click here to read the ANA letter to DOE Secretary Perry
Click here to read the DNFSB Notice in the Federal Register
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Posted by Marylia Kelley

We have exciting news. California is poised to play a key role to promote the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and to support legislation to restrict the President’s ability to launch a nuclear first strike.
We need your help to put these measures over the top! Assembly Joint Resolution 30 (AJR 30) puts California on record supporting federal legislation to restrict the President's ability to launch a nuclear surprise attack on his sole authority. Assembly Joint Resolution 33 (AJR 33) supports the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
Here is the current state of play: On Tuesday, August 14, both AJR 30 and AJR 33 were voted on in the Public Safety Committee in the state Assembly. They passed! Next, both resolutions went to the full Assembly Floor for a vote. On Monday, August 20, the full Assembly passed both of them! However, these important “joint” measures are only halfway to final passage.
Next, both AJR 30 and AJR 33 will go to the Senate Committee on Public Safety, likely this week. If they pass in committee, both resolutions will go to the full Senate Floor for a vote. Again, that could be very soon.
Here is what you can do: First, please look at this list of the members of the Senate Committee on Public Safety. Do you see your state Senator there? If so, click in and contact him or her today.
Committee Members:
Senator Nancy Skinner (Chair)
Senator Joel Anderson (Vice Chair)
Senator Steven Bradford
Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson
Senator Holly J. Mitchell
Senator Jeff Stone
Senator Scott D. Wiener
Next, as we noted, we must be ready for these two measures to go to the full Senate Floor very quickly for a vote. Use this tool from the state of CA website to connect with your state Senator ASAP. Click in…
With your help, we can pass both of these measures. Tri-Valley CAREs is tracking the process, and we will post the final outcome. Check this spot again soon. And, thank you!
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Posted by Marylia Kelley and Rick Wayman

On August 14, 2018, two long standing California nuclear disarmament organizations were invited to speak at a legislative hearing held at the State Capitol in Sacramento.
Marylia Kelley, Executive Director of Tri-Valley CAREs, and Rick Wayman, Deputy Director of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, testified in support of Assembly Joint Resolution 33, a resolution in support of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
The resolution was introduced by Asm. Monique Limon, who represents Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties. The resolution, if passed by the Assembly and State Senate, "urges our federal leaders and our nation to embrace the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and make nuclear disarmament the centerpiece of our national security policy."
Speaking to the Assembly Public Safety Committee, Marylia Kelley said, "It is right...that my state is poised to take a principled position to help ensure that nuclear weapons are never again used, that the international Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons is supported, and that the elimination of nuclear weapons occurs at the earliest possible date." Kelley's full remarks are available here.
Rick Wayman said, "California has a long and proud history of setting positive legislative trends and kick-starting the process of change nationwide. ... We must do everything in our power to eliminate nuclear weapons before they eliminate us." Wayman's full comments are available here.

Posted by Marylia Kelley and Valeria Salamanca
For Tracy Area Residents. RSVP requested to [email protected]

Tuesday, August 7, 2018
Posted by Marylia Kelley and Scott Yundt

The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District’s preliminary decision to grant an air permit to allow Livermore Lab’s Site 300 to increase the weight of high explosive compounds in open-air blasts involves potential adverse impacts with regard to air toxics and overall air quality, noise, encroaching population, re-suspension of radioactive particles in soils, cumulative effects, worker and other risks, endangered species, waste management and the Superfund cleanup of the present contamination at the outdoor Firing Table on which the new blasts would be detonated.
Tri-Valley CAREs submits this public comment on behalf of its more than 5,700 members…

Wednesday, August 1, 2018
Posted by Valeria Salamanca
The deadline is looming! Act today! Many of you have attended events and spoken out to oppose the Livermore Lab proposal to increase the size of its toxic bomb blasts, conducted in the open air, at Site 300 near Tracy, CA. We thank you!
Whether you have participated in this campaign since its beginning last year - or are hearing about it for the first time - we ask you to send a public comment before August 7, 2018 to the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District. Tell the Air District NOT to issue a permit for these huge detonations (up to 1,000 pounds at a time) of high explosive compounds. According to Livermore Lab, the blasts would contain 121 hazardous constituents.
The Air District issued a preliminary decision to give Livermore Lab the “Authority to Construct for open detonation” at Site 300, meaning a permit to go ahead with the outdoor blasts.
In order to do this, the Air District improperly exempted this Site 300 project from our state’s environmental law, called the California Environmental Quality Act, or CEQA. Tri-Valley CAREs members and our environmental justice allies are demanding that a full analysis, under CEQA, be conducted before any permit is issued.
Here is how you can help. We need everyone to submit a written public comment to the Air District to let the agency know you are concerned about the potential impacts of the project.
CLICK HERE for a comment letter you can sign and send.
Send your comment letter via email to: [email protected]
Or mail it to: Arnaud Marjollet, Director of Permit Services, San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District, 4800 Enterprise Way, Modesto, CA 95356.
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
Posted by Eric Luna

CLICK HERE to see the gas, van or bus rental limited reimbursement form, if you are bringing a group of people
CLICK HERE to read a review by Paul Rea of Daniel Ellsberg’s memoirs, The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner
Friday, July 20, 2018
Posted by Scott Yundt
We have monitoring Livermore Lab’s Hazardous Waste Management, and its many problems, for years. The Lab handles, stores and treats hazardous and mixed radioactive waste (which means its radioactive stuff and hazardous stuff mixed together. This waste is regulated by the State of California’s Department of Toxic Substances (DTSC). After a 6 year delay, the DTSC began the Hazardous Waste Permit Renewal process for Livermore Lab’s Main Site back in 2016. Tri-Valley CAREs, along with hundreds of other commenters, was very critical of the inadequate and poorly prepared draft permit during the public comment process. Read on to hear more about our recent victory in challenging the permit…
On July 18, 2018 a DTSC Permit Appeals Officer issued a Final Appeals Decision and Order on Tri-Valley CAREs’ Petition for Review of the final permit decision for the DTSC’s Hazardous Waste Facility Permit for Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s main site.
The Permit Appeals Officer’s job included reviewing a very complicated administrative record compiled over the past 3 years. This included: The Hazardous Waste Permit (which was issued on April 30, 2015); Tri-Valley CAREs’ Comments to that permit (made orally on June 3, 2015 and in writing on August 3, 2015); The DTSC’s Responses to Comments (March 9, 2016); Tri-Valley CAREs’ Petition for Review of the Permit (submitted April 21, 2016 in response to the DTSC’s Final Permit Approval); The DTSC Permit Appeals Officer’s “Order Partially Granting Petition for Review and Denial of Review” (Issued December 1, 2016 and granting only some of our issues review); Tri-Valley CAREs’ Appellate Brief (February 13, 2017) and the DTSC Permitting Division’s Brief (April 3, 2017).
The Permit Officer did not agree with all of our arguments, but the Appeals Officer did find that there were significant flaws in the Permit that require it to be remanded back to DTSC’s Permitting Division to correct the deficiencies. Specifically, the Permitting Division will need to correct, and in some instances expand, the Permit sections concerning the air impacts of miscellaneous units, macroencapsulation of waste, delayed closure, and permit modifications. This will all result in a second public process with another public comment period (the date of which has not been announced).
We will keep you posted.

Thursday, July 19, 2018
Posted by Marylia Kelley
Scores of community members from Tracy, Livermore and surrounding towns demonstrated the true power of grassroots democracy Thursday night at the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District’s Public Hearing on the proposal to increase the size of open-air toxic bomb blasts at Site 300 near Tracy, CA.
More that 80 people, some with babies in strollers and some with service dogs, representing all ages and backgrounds came together to challenge the Air District’s preliminary decision to grant Livermore Lab a permit to detonate bomb tests with up to 1,000-pounds of exotic high-explosive compounds and 121 hazardous contaminants in each blast on an outdoor “firing table.”
CLICK HERE for more information...
CLICK HERE for a comment letter you can sign and send to the Air District before the August 7, 2018 deadline
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Posted by Marylia Kelley
The Summer 2018 edition of Tri-Valley CAREs’ newsletter, Citizen’s Watch, is now ready for you to enjoy. This edition is chock-full of news, reports, announcements, and upcoming actions.

The first PDF contains the 4-page newsletter. The 4-page insert follows as a separate PDF.
In our Summer 2018 newsletter, you will find…
- Public comment period begins on bomb blast permit
- Trump’s new, low yield sub-launched warhead
- Plutonium bomb core production plans
- DC Days report back
- Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons turns one
- Calendar of events for you
- August 6 (Hiroshima Day) at Livermore Lab
- Tri-Valley CAREs is in the news
- Letter from our Executive Director
For the 4-page newsletter click here
For the 4-page insert click here
Tuesday, July 3, 2018
Posted by Valeria Salamanca
Livermore Lab’s Site 300 high explosives testing range is poised to detonate huge toxic bomb blasts, lofting 121 hazardous contaminants high into the open air including beryllium, phosphine, hydrogen cyanide, vinyl chloride and dioxin.
What regulatory agency would let that happen?
Click here for more...
Please check out our flyer, below. And, under the flyer is the SJVAPCD notice in Spanish and English. Speak Out! Di Algo! Our children deserve better. Thank you!
Click below to enlarge

CLICK HERE to read the SJVAPCD public hearing and public comment notice in Spanish and English.
CLICK HERE for some "talking points" for the Public Hearing...

Sunday, July 1, 2018
Posted by Kathy Crandall Robinson
This May and June, Congress debated and voted on measures to restrict the Trump Administration’s proposed low-yield W76-2 nuclear warhead planned to be deployed on a Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile. This new weapon is featured in the Trump Nuclear Posture Review and is being pushed forward rapidly, rushing the regular budget and congressional oversight process. (See the TVC Spring 2019 Citizen Watch Newsletter.)
While the congressional debate was constructive and evidenced rising champions in Congress opposing this dangerous and destabilizing new weapon, much work is needed now. Members of Congress must better understand the dangers of this weapon and it is now it the crucial moment for them to hear concerns about this weapon from constituents.
CLICK HERE to read more.
(Between Howard & Folsom, 2ND & 3RD Streets)

Thanks to EPA whistleblowers, our colleagues at Greenaction have confirmed that Scott Pruitt, head of the U.S. EPA and polluter-in-chief, will be in San Francisco on Friday. We will be there to raise our voices in protest. We support Environmental and Climate Justice! You are invited to join us!
Rally Sponsors include: Greenaction, the California Environmental Justice Coalition (Tri-Valley CAREs is a co-founding member), Bayview Hunters Point Mothers and Fathers Committee, ANSWER, and the Sierra Club. For more information, or to have your organization endorse, contact [email protected] or call 415-447-3904 x 102.
Nuclear Weapons Pose the Ultimate Threat to Mankind
Thursday, June 21, 2018
Source: The Nation
Tri-Valley CAREs’ work is recognized in the Nation magazine today! Read all about it…

Monday, June 18, 2018
Posted by Eric Luna

Monday, June 11, 2018
Posted by Marylia Kelley

Mark your calendar today for this major Rally, March and Nonviolent Direct Action on Monday, August 6th. Join us to commemorate the U.S. atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan at the site where new nuclear weapons are being developed for use today.
We will gather at Livermore Lab to stop the creation of novel, “more usable” nuclear warheads that the Trump Administration proposed in its Nuclear Posture Review and fiscal 2019 budget, both released earlier this year. We will join millions of peace advocates around the country and the world on this memorable day to say “never again” to the use of nuclear weapons – and to call for their global abolition. Our keynote speaker will be Daniel Ellsberg, perhaps best known as the whistleblower who released “The Pentagon Papers” to hasten an end to the war in Vietnam. He has been an analyst at RAND Corp. and a consultant to the Defense Dept., specializing in problems of command and control of nuclear weapons, war plans and crisis decision-making. Ellsberg recently released his critically acclaimed memoirs, The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner.
Click here for more information...

Monday, May 28, 2018
Posted by the DC Days 2018 team of Marylia Kelley, Scott Yundt, Valeria Salamanca, Tricia Moore and Joseph Rodgers
Tired, but elated, Tri-Valley CAREs has returned from Washington, DC, where we participated with the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability in the network’s 30th annual DC Days. It was amazing, effective, inspiring - and a marathon - all at once!
Our team of five, including two young people, joined scores of ANA activists who, like us, are impacted by the Dept. of Energy (DOE) nuclear weapons complex. Together, we conducted 100 meetings over the course of three days with members of Congress, key staff and senior administration officials.
Click here for the whole story...

Thursday, May 17, 2018
Posted by Marylia Kelley
Call Congress While Tri-Valley CAREs is in Washington, DC
The President’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 budget request to Congress rolled out from the Dept. of Energy (DOE) this spring. The federal fiscal year starts on October 1.
This article contains a summary of some of the key budget numbers, followed by our recommendations for action before Congress appropriates any money to fund it. We ask you to make calls on May 21, 22, or 23, while we will be in DC conducting meetings on these and related topics. The capitol switchboard number is at the end of this summary.
Click here to read the whole article...
TVC in DC Demands Cleanup, not Warheads

May 17, 2018
Posted by Marylia Kelley
Livermore Lab Watchdogs to Meet in DC with Trump Administration and Congress
Five members of the nuclear weapons watchdog group Tri-Valley CAREs (Communities Against a Radioactive Environment) will join activists from 20 U.S. states in Washington, DC next week to challenge the Trump Administration’s 2018 Nuclear Posture Review and its recommendation for four new warhead designs and the new plutonium and enriched uranium bomb plants to produce them.
“The fiscal year 2019 budget request advances nuclear bombs and production facilities for tomorrow while leaving our communities vulnerable to the radioactive and toxic poisons that are leaking into our environment today,” charged Tri-Valley CAREs’ Executive Director, Marylia Kelley. “We will demand more funding for cleanup, not warheads.”
The Livermore, CA-based group will participate in the 30th annual Alliance for Nuclear Accountability (ANA) “D.C. Days” from May 20 to May 23. ANA is a network of more than 30 local, regional and national organizations whose members live downwind and downstream from U.S. nuclear weapons sites. Tri-Valley CAREs and other ANA groups will conduct scores of meetings with members of Congress, committee staffers, and top administration officials responsible for nuclear policies and budgets.
“I am traveling to our nation’s capital to convince decision-makers to secure a safer tomorrow for my community,” said Tri-Valley CAREs’ Outreach Specialist, Valeria Salamanca. “My top priority is to speak truth to power about radiation exposures and environmental degradation stemming from weapons programs at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and its high explosives testing range near my home in Tracy, CA,” she continued. Salamanca will meet with Rep. Jeff Denham (R-Tracy), among others.
Tri-Valley CAREs was founded in 1983 by neighbors and workers at the Livermore Lab, one of two locations in the country that designs every nuclear weapon in the U.S. stockpile. The group has 5,700 members; most live near or work at the Lab.
“This event will feature a special 30th anniversary reception honoring members of Congress and others who have acted to constrain nuclear proliferation this past year,” noted Tri-Valley CAREs’ Staff Attorney, Scott Yundt, who serves on the national DC Days planning committee and will present an ANA award to Congresswoman Barbara Lee.
Additional information about DC Days is available at Media are invited to the special 30th anniversary ANA awards reception on Tuesday, May 22. It will be held in the Gold Room, 2168 Rayburn House Office Building, from 6pm to 8pm. Honorees include Rep. Barbara Lee and Sen. Ed Markey.
The DC Days team members from Tri-Valley CAREs available for interviews in CA or while in DC are:
• Marylia Kelley – Executive Director - Livermore, CA
• Tricia Moore – Community Member - Livermore, CA
• Scott Yundt – Staff Attorney - Oakland, CA
• Valeria Salamanca – Bilingual Outreach Specialist - Tracy, CA
• Joseph Rodgers – Nuclear Policy Analyst - Sonora, CA and presently a Masters Candidate at the Middlebury Institute for International Studies at Monterey, CA
CONTACT: Marylia Kelley, Executive Director, 925.255.3589 (cell), [email protected]
Scott Yundt, Staff Attorney, 415.990.2070 (cell), [email protected]
Valeria Salamanca, Bi-lingual Outreach Specialist, 209.601.8489 (cell), [email protected]
More information about the group is available at

Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Posted by Valeria Salamanca
You will soon have an important opportunity to voice your concerns about bomb blasts at Site 300 directly to the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD)!
Tri-Valley CAREs has been alerted that the air district will host a public hearing in Tracy and offer a public comment period after it releases its draft permit and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review for Livermore Lab’s proposal to increase the size of its high explosives detonations in the open air at Site 300 near Tracy.
Click here to

Monday, April 30, 2018
Posted by Eric Luna
The California Environmental Justice Coalition is a broad, inclusive, grassroots coalition uniting more than 70 urban, rural and indigenous communities in resistance against environmental racism and injustice, and committed to environmental, social, and economic justice.
The CEJC passed a Resolution this month calling on the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District to deny Livermore Lab a permit to detonate toxic, open-air explosions at its Site 300 experimental test location near Tracy, CA.
to these proposed bomb blasts and the contamination they will spread.
Click here to read the Resolution and view the list of participating groups...
Tuesday, April 18, 2018
Posted by Marylia Kelley
The Spring 2018 edition of Tri-Valley CAREs’ newsletter, Citizen’s Watch, is now ready for you to enjoy. This special, 14-page edition is chock-full of news, analysis, announcements, and upcoming actions.

The first PDF contains the 4-page newsletter and 8-pages of inserts (collated together). The 2-page petition in English and Spanish follows as a separate PDF.
- Trump Budget Intensifies Nuclear Risks. Page 1
- Print Bites. Page 2
- Your Gift, Doubled! Insert
- “DC Days” Team Photos. Insert
- August 6 “Save the Date”. Insert
- Your Guide to the Nuclear Posture Review. Special 4-Page Insert
- Petition to Air Board. Insert
- Alerts 4 U. Page 3
- Tell Air Board to Reject Bomb Blast Permit Page 4
For the first 12 pages of the newsletter, collated, click here
For newsletter pages 13 & 14 (petition in English and Spanish), click here
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Posted by Valeria Salamanca
We invite you to join us in Tracy, CA for an evening of action planning to protect our Valley air. While the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD) continues to review Livermore Lab’s Site 300 air permit required for its proposal to increase the size of its toxic outdoor blasts, we must take action!
(To learn more about this issue and sign the petition to call on the SJVAPCD to reject the air permit required for Site 300’s proposal, click on the following link:

During this meeting, we will be hearing from the following speakers regarding updates and strategy planning:
- Scott Yundt, Staff Attorney, Tri-Valley CAREs – Updates on Livermore Lab’s Site 300 Final Environmental Assessment and Response to Comments, San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District Process
- Yvonne Eder, President, Indivisible Tracy – Discussion on Community Organizing
- Eric Luna, IT Specialist, Tri-Valley CAREs – Social Media for Issue Advocacy
- Valeria Outreach, Tri-Valley CAREs – Strategy Session, Q&A
Come learn about this urgent issue and how you can get involved!
For questions, contact Valeria, (209) 601-8489 or email [email protected]
Hope to see you all there!
Thursday, April 5, 2018
Posted by Valeria Salamanca
Have you signed yet? We ask you to sign the petition calling on the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD) to reject the air permit for large, open-air bomb detonations at Livermore Lab’s Site 300!
On February 22, 2018, Livermore Lab released a “Finding of No Significant Impact” for its proposal to increase the daily weight limit of explosives used in its outdoor toxic blasts from 100 pounds a day to 1,000 pounds a day AND increase the annual limit from 1,000 pounds a year to 7,500 pounds a year!!! To summarize, Livermore Lab Field Office assessed its own impact and gave itself approval to continue with the proposal.
Now more than ever, we, the community, must stand up and voice our disagreement with the proposal to the SJVAPCD. The SJVAPCD is the last barrier before Site 300 could have full permission to detonate toxic bomb blasts in the open air under the proposed action!
Click on the link below to sign the petition and share with friends! Thank You!
If you have any questions on the petition or how to get involved, feel free to email [email protected] or call me (209) 601-8489.
To download petition in PDF form click here.
Thursday, March 29, 2018
Posted by Scott Yundt

Friday, March 16, 2018
Posted by Scott Yundt
The Livermore Lab Budget Request for Fiscal Year 2019 was finally released in mid-March. The Chart above shows the Administration’s priorities in action at Livermore – more weapons. The overall budget request for the Lab increased $92 million over the 2018 request ($44 million over the 2018 Annualized Continuing Resolution).
But the real news is in how the money is being spent. Nuclear Weapons Activities total 88.6% of the Lab’s request. Within that, the “Directed Stockpile Work” at Livermore Lab is getting a 61% increase in the request over last year! The “Science” budget request is down by 27% compared to the 2018 request. “Energy Efficiency and Renewables” is down 28% from the 2018 request. While the “Non-Proliferation” and “Defense Environmental Cleanup” budgets received a slight increase, all other non-weapons programs were at the Lab were cut.
Livermore Lab is where the priorities of Trump’s Nuclear Posture Review hit the pavement and become the new nukes that are fueling a dangerous new arms race. Tri-Valley CAREs will be going to Washington, DC in May to stir up outrage in our elected officials about this budget and policy nightmare.
You can support us by donating here

Thursday, March 8, 2018
Posted by Kathy Crandall Robinson
On February 2, 2018, the Trump Administration released its Nuclear Posture Review. This document outlines the President’s U.S. nuclear weapons policy and strategy including:
1) The roles and purposes of nuclear weapons in U.S. security strategy;
2) The number and variety of U.S. nuclear weapons and plans for maintaining and upgrading nuclear weapons delivery systems and warhead production and infrastructure requirements, and;

3) The approach to controlling nuclear threats and stopping the spread of nuclear weapons outside of the United States – arms control and nonproliferation.
Nuclear Posture Reviews reflect the policy and political perspectives of the President and the geopolitical environment of the moment. This NPR is brought to us by the same President who and has questioned why we couldn’t use nuclear weapons and on February 12, 2018 followed up his NPR with a statement that it is indeed his Administration’s intention to expand the U.S. arsenal “far, far in excess of anybody else."
Click here for more...
Click here for the 2018 Nuclear Posture Review...
Saturday, February 24, 2018
Posted by Marylia Kelley

Many of you may be familiar with Rep. Ted Lieu’s bill, HR669, and its companion measure in the Senate, S.200. These bills would restrict the President's ability to launch a nuclear first strike on his sole, unchecked authority. Now we have a California measure, Assembly Joint Resolution 30, that if passed will throw our state's full support behind the national bills.
ACTION: Call, write or email your CA Assemblymember to ask him/her to join California Assemblymember Aguiar-Curry (D-Winters) by supporting the Resolution she introduced, AJR 30. All of the info you need to take action is a quick “click” away.
CONTACT: The state has a great website at:
You can also go directly to:
- The President’s absolute nuclear authority is a direct threat to Californians. Moreover, it is dangerous and contrary to basic principles of democracy for a single person to be able to unilaterally launch a first strike with nuclear weapons.
- Trump’s bellicose rhetoric directed toward North Korea could spark a nuclear exchange that could endanger California directly (along with our beautiful planet).
- The California State Assembly can have a major impact and reduce the risk of nuclear war. Our state can set the example for others and send a strong message to Congress to pass HR669 and S200 to make California and the world safer.
For more information to inform your phone call, email or letter, here is an article from the Lake County Record-Bee announcing Assembly Joint Resolution 30.
Click here to read the whole story...
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Posted by Marylia Kelley

Representatives of Bay Area peace groups, including Tri-Valley CAREs, will gather Sunday, February 25, from 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm to watch the closing ceremony of the 2018 Winter Olympics in PyeongChang, South Korea, and call for dialogue and diplomacy with North Korea.
The watch party will take place at the Café Valparaiso, 1403 Solano Avenue, Albany, California. RSVP is required to Jackie Cabasso, Western States Legal Foundation, at [email protected] or to Marylia Kelley at [email protected]. Media are encouraged to attend.
In November 2017, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution calling for an Olympic Truce, or a cessation of hostilities during the Winter Games, which gained the support of 157 Member States including both Koreas and future hosts of the Olympic Games: Japan, China, France and the United States. The truce period spans the Winter Olympics and Paralympics, from February 2 – March 25, 2018
Click here to read the whole story.
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Posted by Marylia Kelley
Mark your calendar for 8 AM Monday, August 6, 2018. Tri-Valley CAREs and hundreds of peace advocates from around the state will commemorate the U.S. atomic bombing of Hiroshima, Japan at Livermore Lab, where the U.S. is spending billions to create new “more usable” nuclear bombs in accordance with the Trump Administration’s Nuclear Posture Review and budget.
The keynote speaker will be Daniel Ellsberg, perhaps best known as the whistleblower who released “The Pentagon Papers” to hasten an end to the war in Vietnam. He has been an analyst at RAND Corp. and consultant to the Defense Dept., specializing in problems of command and control of nuclear weapons, war plans and crisis decision-making. Daniel Ellsberg recently released his long-awaited memoirs, The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Posted by Valeria Salamanca
You are invited to join us in the next step in the process to stop Site 300’s proposal to increase toxic open-air blasts.
Over 2,000 public comments were submitted to Site 300 opposing the proposal this past December, including letters from the City of Tracy, and Tracy Hills, the new residential development closest to Site 300.
Right now, we are waiting for Site 300 to respond to the public comments and publish its final Environmental Assessment (EA) in the upcoming weeks. Upon the release of the final EA, Site 300 will request a permit from the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD).
We must act and not simply wait! Tri-Valley CAREs has crafted a new petition (in English and Spanish) with a message to the SJVAPCD to reject the proposal. We need your help to distribute this petition to neighbors, family, and friends!
If you have any questions on the petition or how to get involved, feel free to email [email protected] or call me (209) 601-8489.

Haga clic aqui para ver la petición en español.

Monday, February 12, 2017
Posted by Marylia Kelley
Today, while his Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 budget for nuclear weapons was being delivered to Congress, President Trump boasted: "We're increasing arsenals of virtually every weapon… We will have a nuclear force that will be absolutely modernized and brand-new.”
The Department of Energy (DOE) is the cabinet-level agency in charge of US nuclear weapons and the cleanup of contamination that comes with them, along with other programs. The DOE FY19 budget request is $30.6 billion.
The DOE National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) is the big budget winner. The President’s FY19 request provides $15.1 billion to create new and modified nuclear warheads and the bomb plants to build them in alignment with the recently released Nuclear Posture Review. This represents an increase of $2.2 billion (17%) over the current profligate annual spending level for NNSA.
Click here to read the whole story....
Sunday, February 11, 2018
Posted by Eric Luna
Tri-Valley CAREs’ Executive Director, Marylia Kelley, and longtime member Fred Norman, also active with Veterans for Peace, will be among the speakers at a half-day conference addressing the Military-Industrial Complex and its impacts on our people, communities and planet.
Our allies in the Mt. Diablo Peace and Justice Center and Veterans for Peace have joined together to organize this event from 1 PM to 5 PM on Saturday, March 17 at the Orinda Community Church.
The line-up includes eighteen internationally renowned speakers on US militarism and its consequences. Each will give an incisive presentation of 10 minutes max, giving participants bite-sized morsels of valuable information on myriad aspects of the war machine and ways to stop it. There will also be a chance to network informally and pick up a wealth of more detailed resources and literature.
See the flyer, below, for details

Friday, February 9, 2018
Posted by Marylia Kelley
Here is a press release we just released along with our colleagues in the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability. It is crafted to give reporters probing questions to ask DOE regarding the nuclear weapons and cleanup budget for Fiscal Year 2019, which is scheduled to be released on Monday by the President. We will provide additional analysis following its public release. Read on...
Click here to see our press release.

Saturday, January 27, 2018
Posted by Brendan Phillips
The specter of self-destruction once again looms over the world. Scientists associated with The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists’ Science and Security Board have moved the Doomsday Clock’s hands to two minutes before midnight; an estimation of risk unsurpassed, even at the height of the Cold War.
Failure of world leaders, particularly within the United States, to effectively respond to new nuclear threats has made the possibility of a thermonuclear exchange far more likely. The current US president has repeatedly disparaged our allies while pursuing a policy of economic nationalism. In addition, our president has responded to North Korea’s nuclear testing with his own bellicose rhetoric; exacerbating an already pugilistic relationship between the two countries.
Click here to read the full Doomsday Clock statement of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Click here to read the whole story...
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Posted by Marylia Kelley

Haga clic aqui para este folleto de evento.
Monday, January 22, 2018
Posted by Marylia Kelley
OAKLAND WOMEN'S MARCH, rallying for nuclear abolition with Ann, Valerie, Gail, Tavi, Lou, Rahul and friends. Here are a few pics from an amazing day. Onward, together!

Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Posted by Joseph Rodgers
On Saturday, Hawaiians received a notification of incoming ballistic missiles on their cell phones. It took 38 minutes for the false alarm to be rescinded. Thousands of Americans called their loved ones for what they thought to be the last time. In those 38 minutes, citizens of Hawaii experienced first hand the radical contingency of life in the nuclear era.
Three days before the Hawaii incident, the Huffington Post leaked a draft of the Trump Administration’s Nuclear Posture Review, a Pentagon document that dictates the overall strategy for United States nuclear forces.
The leaked document, which is rumored to be the final draft, demonstrates an aggressive shift from the Obama posture review by mandating “more usable” low-yield nuclear weapons, doubling down on building new bomb plants, and lowering the threshold to resume nuclear weapons testing.
Click here to read the whole story....
Click here to read the leaked draft Nuclear Posture Review.
Saturday, January 13, 2018
Posted by Marylia Kelley

Haga clic aqui para este folleto de evento.

CLICK HERE to sign the petition.
Tri-Valley CAREs (Communities Against a Radioactive Environment) calls all CA residents and environmentalists everywhere to sign our petition to prevent open-air toxic bomb tests.
1. Help us oppose a proposal by the Livermore nuclear weapons Lab to increase outdoor tests at its Site 300 from 100-pounds of high explosives daily to 1,000-pounds daily (10x).
2. Livermore Lab lists more than 120 hazardous poisons that will be in these huge outdoor blasts, including beryllium, vinyl chloride, phosphine, hydrogen cyanide, and dioxin to name just a few.
3. These tests are for nuclear weapons, according to Livermore Lab.
Site 300 is Livermore Lab’s high explosives testing range located in the hills a mere 7,000 feet from the City of Tracy. Site 300 is on the U.S. EPA Superfund list of most poisoned sites in the country. Open-air blasts there used radioactive materials, such as Uranium 238, without commencing the appropriate cleanup of the detonation area (firing-table). Therefore, the proposed larger detonations can re-suspend radioactive particles in the soils.
CLICK HERE to sign the petition today.
This petition will be delivered to:
- [email protected]
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
* The photograph in this email is an actual open-air bomb test at Site 300. If you look carefully, you can see buildings that are dwarfed by the size of the detonation. The toxic materials drift on the wind.
Click here to read Tri-Valley CAREs’ 14-page comment letter opposing these open-air blasts.