Reading Room

Warning. Speak Out! Urgente. Di Algo!

Tuesday, July 3, 2018
Posted by Valeria Salamanca

Livermore Lab’s Site 300 high explosives testing range is poised to detonate huge toxic bomb blasts, lofting 121 hazardous contaminants high into the open air including beryllium, phosphine, hydrogen cyanide, vinyl chloride and dioxin.

What regulatory agency would let that happen?

The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD) has issued its preliminary decision to give Site 300 near Tracy, CA a permit to increase the size and weight of toxic bomb detonations on a 7,057 square-foot outdoor firing table. The daily limit will rise from 100-pounds of high explosives to 1,000-pounds per day. The annual limit will rise from 1,000-pounds to 7,500-pounds per year.

These open-air blasts will be allowed to happen with no/zero/zilch/nada air pollution control, although the technology exists to move the explosions into a containment chamber, according to the air district.

Moreover, the air district EXEMPTED Site 300 from the all provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). This means that the detailed analysis one might expect prior to issuance of a permit will simply not be done.

We the people have one opportunity to speak up and protect our air quality.

The SJVAPCD will hold a public hearing on Thursday, July 12 at 6:30 PM in Tracy. Tri-Valley CAREs will be there with background information, sample public comments to use and other materials in English and Spanish. Please join us! The air district will also accept written comments until August 7, 2018.

Please check out our flyer, below. And, under the flyer is the SJVAPCD notice in Spanish and English. Speak Out! Di Algo! Our children deserve better. Thank you!

CLICK HERE for some "talking points" for the Public Hearing...

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