Tri-Valley CAREs
Communities Against a Radioactive Environment

Friday, March 16, 2018
Posted by Scott Yundt
The Livermore Lab Budget Request for Fiscal Year 2019 was finally released in mid-March. The Chart above shows the Administration’s priorities in action at Livermore – more weapons. The overall budget request for the Lab increased $92 million over the 2018 request ($44 million over the 2018 Annualized Continuing Resolution).
But the real news is in how the money is being spent. Nuclear Weapons Activities total 88.6% of the Lab’s request. Within that, the “Directed Stockpile Work” at Livermore Lab is getting a 61% increase in the request over last year! The “Science” budget request is down by 27% compared to the 2018 request. “Energy Efficiency and Renewables” is down 28% from the 2018 request. While the “Non-Proliferation” and “Defense Environmental Cleanup” budgets received a slight increase, all other non-weapons programs were at the Lab were cut.
Livermore Lab is where the priorities of Trump’s Nuclear Posture Review hit the pavement and become the new nukes that are fueling a dangerous new arms race. Tri-Valley CAREs will be going to Washington, DC in May to stir up outrage in our elected officials about this budget and policy nightmare.
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