Tri-Valley CAREs
Communities Against a Radioactive Environment
There were many wonderful entries in our 2015 Youth Video Contest. Our panel of judges had a very hard time picking thier favorites, and in fact, we had a tie for third place. So below are the four top videos as rated by our panel of judges. Thanks to all of those who entered and we hope to see you all at our awards ceremony at the Livermore Library on December 8th.
- First Place Winner - 60 Years in the Making by Julie Lim
- Second Place Winner - Livermore: A Call to Action by Shawn Roselius
- Third Place Winner (Tie) - The Nuclear Diet by Joseph Rogers
Posted by Joseph Leonard Rodgers on Saturday, October 31, 2015
- Third Place Winner (Tie) - Livermore Labs Nuclear Waste Reality Check by Damanpreet Singh
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is one of our country's two nuclear weapons design and research laboratories. Every nuclear weapon in the United States arsenal was designed at either Livermore National Lab in California or Los Alamos National Lab in New Mexico.
Operating this lab in Livermore, California for six decades has taken a serious toll on the local environment. In fact, the Lab has released over 1 million curies of radiation into the local environment (approximately the same amount that was deposited on the people of Hiroshima from the atomic bomb in 1945).
Both the Livermore Lab's main site and its Site 300 high explosive testing facility in nearby Tracy, California, are on the Environmental Protection Agency's "Superfund" list of the most contaminated sites in the country due to severe soil and groundwater contamination.
If the groundwater is not cleaned up, the EPA estimates cancer risks in Livermore as high as one in every thousand residents.
Public health studies have shown an increased risk of certain cancers in Livermore, likely from Lab operations. Additionally, there are more than 1,900 former and current Livermore Lab employees who have filed for compensation for their illnesses or for the death of their loved ones caused by on the job exposures.
Click here for more information about the Livermore Lab Superfund cleanup.
Tri-Valley CAREs invites you to create a video in 2 min or less about the impacts of nuclear weapons on the environment in Livermore and beyond.
-- What's at stake with continued nuclear weapons development in Livermore?
-- How are the environment and public health affected?
-- What does it mean to be a good neighbor in Livermore?
-- Why is it important to you that the government clean up the contamination caused by nuclear weapons development around Livermore and beyond?
You need not be a Livermore-area resident to submit a video to this contest. Radioactive and hazardous pollution from our nuclear weapons program affects us all, not to mention the ethical, moral and spiritual implications of developing these weapons of mass destruction. We encourage people of all locations, backgrounds and viewpoints to submit. You must be between 10 and 30 years old. Note: There will be a award reception on Tuesday, December 8th in Livermore to celebrate the winning videos. Travel to that reception is not included.
Tri-Valley CAREs is the Livermore-based watchdog for the Livermore nuclear weapons lab. Click here for more about Tri-Valley CAREs.
Check out our display at the Livermore Library's main bulletin board. 1188 S. Livermore Ave. Check out our press release.
Click here to download the contest flier.
Deadline: All entries must be received electronically by 5:00 pm Pacific Time on October 31, 2015. There are no exceptions to this deadline.
Rules: A submission that does not adhere to all of the contest rules will not be considered for a cash award.
1. Submissions must not exceed 2 min in length.
2. Submissions need not be by Livermore-area residents. There will be an awards reception/party in Livermore in December and all participants are invited to attend. Travel expenses for winning videographers to attend the reception are not included.
3. Submissions must not contain foul language or slander.
4. Video can be any type (traditional video, animation, flash, etc.).
5. Winners will be responsible for providing Tri-Valley CAREs with a high-resolution copy of their video before prize money is distributed. The grand prize is $500 and will be sent to the winner after notification in early November. Two honorable mentions will also be chosen and winners will receive Tri-Valley CAREs T-shirts.
6. By submitting your video, you are promising that you own all rights to all material in your video, including the music, images, script, and rights to include all persons, places or organizations included or depicted (see below for information on Creative Commons footage). Tri-Valley CAREs will have distribution rights for non-commercial use, and video makers will have co-distribution rights for either public or commercial use. You also agree to allow Tri-Valley CAREs to use your name, identification, and likeness to use, promote or publicize your video in any manner, without limitation, and without further compensation. You agree to indemnify the Tri-Valley CAREs, including for legal costs, against any challenges to the ownership, use of, or rights to material in your video. See Video Contest Legal Release ( Click here to download the legal release in PDF)
7. This contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook. By submitting your video, you agree to release Facebook of any and all liability associated with this contest.
1. Upload Directly to Facebook
-- Go to the contest's Facebook page and "Like' it.
-- Upload your video directly to the contest's Facebook page.
-- Send an email to [email protected] with your video's title, your name, your age, your phone number and your preferred email address (for communication in case you are selected as a winner).
-- We will send you a confirmation email within one business day.
2. Link from YouTube
-- Upload your video to your personal YouTube account.
-- Go to the contest's Facebook page and "Like" it.
-- Post the URL of your YouTube video to the contest's Facebook page.
-- Send an email to [email protected] with your video's title, your name your age, your phone number and your preferred email address (for communication in case you are selected as a winner).
-- We will send you a confirmation email within one business day.
Copyright Issues: There is a significant amount of video and audio available online that falls under Creative Commons licensing. It is permissible to use Creative Commons video and/or audio in your entry as long as you meet the requirements of the particular license. Click here for more information on Creative Commons. Entries that violate copyright are not eligible for a prize.
Judging: A committee of filmmakers and educators selected by Tri-Valley CAREs will judge entries on the basis of originality of ideas, creativity and clarity of expression.
All Rights Reserved: All products resulting from the winning proposals become the property of Tri-Valley CAREs. Tri-Valley CAREs reserves the right to publish or broadcast all submissions to the contest. Video makers will have co-distribution rights for either public or commercial use
Questions: Direct all questions to Scott Yundt at [email protected]
Contest administered by Tri-Valley CAREs, 2582 Old First St, Livermore, CA. (925) 443-7148.
Click here to join the event on Facebook and receive updates...
Above: Tri-Valley CAREs Display in the Livermore Library on our Youth Video Contest. (Pictured: Interns Erin Vistnes and Joe Torres)
This professional mini-documentary celebrates Tri-Valley CAREs' 30 years of creating peace, justice, and a healthier environment.
Click here for our most recent factsheet on the Livermore Lab Superfund cleanup.
Click here to read our LLNL Mainsite Cleanup Community Guide...
Click here to read our Site 300 Fact Sheet...
Radioactive Neighbor: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Click here to read about the contamination and the cleanup at Livermore Lab's Site 300 testing range
Tri-Valley CAREs Factsheet on LLNL's Special Exposure Cohort under EEOICPA
Click here to read our recent article about the Superfund cleanup.
Brochure with information about the LLNL, SNL, LBNL Sick Worker Support Group
Health and Environmental Impacts of the Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab
Click here for a Power Point Presentation on the Site 300 Tour...
Haga Clic Aqui Para Sitio 300 Recorrido Informacion...
Haga Clic Aqui Para Nuestra Peticion en Espanol
Haga Clic Aqui Para Sitio 300 Hoja informativa...
There were many excellent submissions to the 2014 Youth Video Contest. Our judges faced the difficult challenge of picking the top three submissions.
Our first place video came from Erin Vitnes and Hayden King...
Our second place video came from Lauren Tabor...
Our third place video came from Owen Carlson...
Thanks to all who submitted and be sure to attend our December 9th party at the Livermore Library where the winners will receive their awards.