Reading Room

Livermore Lab quietly seeking safety changes

August, 30, 2020
San Jose Mercury News

Are you aware that Livermore Lab is seeking to increase the amount of nuclear bomb-grade plutonium it can use (and store) in our highly populated community?

The mechanism through which the Lab is changing this and other safety regulations is called a Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement.

Moreover, Livermore Lab is dodging the law’s public participation requirements by pushing through these changes amid a pandemic and fires.

The Lab did not announce a hearing on the “scope” of its proposed review until last week – and it is set to happen this [Wednesday].

What can the public do to safeguard its health and its right to meaningfully participate?

  1. Request a 90-day extension to the comment period at [email protected].
  2. Participate in the virtual hearing on the “scope” of the review on Wednesday Sept. 2 from 6-8 p.m. The url is
  3. Get information at and

Marylia Kelley

Executive Director, Tri-Valley CAREs


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