Reading Room

Tri-Valley CAREs is Appealing

Monday, November 18, 2013
From Executive Director, Marylia Kelley, Board Member, Jo Ann Frisch, and filmmaker, Haleh Hatami.

Dear friends,

We are excited to let you know that Tri-Valley CAREs will celebrate its 30th Anniversary with a gala on December 10 – and you are invited.

Jo Ann is “Cooking up Peace” by compiling a special cookbook with many of the delicious recipes our members have made for potluck events over the years. The cookbook, and many of the dishes in it, will be at the party. Superb!

Haleh is putting the finishing touches on a professional videography of Tri-Valley CAREs in action. The short film will debut at the party. Hooray!

Marylia is writing to thank you, our valued members, for your partnership in our past victories and to ask your continuing support for our future endeavors. Yay, team!

Click the links below to read Marylia’s letter, check out party details, and see notes from Jo Ann and Haleh.

Marylia’s letter

Party details and notes