Tri-Valley CAREs
Communities Against a Radioactive Environment
Posted on Monday, May 10, 2021
Posted by the TVC DC Days team: Marylia Kelley, Raiza Marciscano-Bettis, Scott Yundt, Mary Perner, Inga Olson and Pam Richard
A team of advocates from Tri-Valley CAREs is Zooming (literally) into Washington, DC this month to participate in “DC Days,” an annual event that draws organizations from across the nation whose members are directly affected by nuclear weapons and the health and environmental consequences of their production.

Your favorite Livermore Lab watchdog group is pressing federal lawmakers to prioritize toxic cleanup and public health while saving billions by terminating ill-conceived new nuclear weapons programs.
Tri-Valley CAREs and allied organizations drafted a new report, “Safety, Security, and Savings” to serve as the cornerstone of our 2021 advocacy. Each Biden Administration official and member of Congress with whom we meet gets a copy – and so do our members and friends (see below). The report includes a series of fact sheets and recommendations covering new warheads, bomb plants, nuclear waste, cleanup, and more.
“DC Days 2021” is hosted by the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability, a network of three-dozen groups whose members live around U.S. Dept. of Energy sites, including active nuclear weapons facilities such as Livermore Lab. Tri-Valley CAREs has been an ANA member group since 1989, and its executive director, Marylia Kelley, currently serves as president of the ANA board of directors.
CLICK HERE for the full report.