Reading Room

Thursday, December 11, 2008  
Tri-Valley CAREs

By: Matthew W. Swyers
Published In: The Independent

Tri-Valley Communities Against a Radioactive Environment (Tri-Valley CAREs) is a local environmental, social justice, and peace group which monitors activity at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and advocates for the abolition of nuclear weapons. Livermore is one of two cities in the United States that is home to a national lab that creates nuclear weapons.

A few of Tri-Valley CAREs' accomplishments are:

  • Stopped a massive toxic and radioactive incinerator from being built.
  • Won improvements to cleanup of soil and groundwater around the LLNL.
  • Stopped the release of 80 million gallons of contaminated groundwater into SF Bay.
  • Played a key role in getting legislation to provide compensation to DOE workers made ill by exposure to toxics and radiation.
  • Brought attention to a LLNL anthrax incident which exposed workers and resulted in a $450,000 fine and the temporary suspension of the Lab's permit.

Tri-Valley CAREs advocates transitioning the LLNL to peaceful uses such as renewable energy, climate, and environmental cleanup research. This is Tri-Valley CAREs 25th Anniversary.

Matthew W. Swyers

Matthew Swyers is a Tri-Valley CAREs community member.

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