Reading Room

Wednesday, May 14, 2008  
Livermore lab fails terror test

By: Betsy Mason
Published In: Contra Costa Times

Lawrence Livermore Laboratory's protective force failed to deter a mock terrorist attack during a recent security drill, according to a Time magazine report online Monday.

During the simulated night-time attack several weeks ago, a team posing as terrorists was able to defeat the lab's defenses and get hold of their target of pretend nuclear material, according to unnamed sources.

"Failing an exercise like a mock terrorist attack highlights serious and unacceptable security shortcomings," said Rep. Ellen Tauscher, D-Alamo. "I have insisted that the plutonium housed at Livermore be consolidated and moved away from Livermore to a safe location away from population centers as soon as possible."

"We think this should be the DOE's highest priority," said Marylia Kelley of Livermore-based watchdog group Tri-Valley CAREs.

Kelley believes the plutonium could be safely packaged and removed by 2010, perhaps even by the end of 2009.

The recent security test "shows that the nuclear materials at Livermore lab isn't secure and cannot be made secure," she said.

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