Tri-Valley CAREs
Communities Against a Radioactive Environment
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Radioactive Report Card
By: Staff
Published In: Independent
Tri-Valley CAREs is in Washington, DC this week to release a "Radioactive
Report Card" grading U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) nuclear weapons
policies during the George W. Bush years and laying out a new and different
agenda for the next administration to follow.
The group urged members of Congress and agency officials to press for an
end to nuclear weapons development and to recommend funding be used instead
for environmental cleanup and other programs. There will be a request to
stop funding the Reliable Replacement Warhead.
The Tri-Valley CAREs team will be working with colleagues from more than a
dozen other states who are participating in the 20th annual Alliance for
Nuclear Accountability (ANA) "DC Days." The Tri-Valley CAREs delegation
will meet with Senators and Representatives from California, leaders of
congressional committees that oversee nuclear issues, and key federal
agency staffers.
Tri-Valley CAREs has been a member group of the national Alliance for
Nuclear Accountability since 1989. The ANA network represents more than 30
local, regional and national organizations whose members live downwind and
downstream from U.S. nuclear weapons production and radioactive waste
disposal sites.
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