Reading Room

Friday, March 28, 2008  
Lab releases new shipment of plutonium

By: Betsy Mason
Published In: Contra Costa Times

Another shipment of weapons-grade nuclear material has made its way out of Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, the National Nuclear Security Administration reported Thursday.

ut critics contend that it isn't safe now and could all be safely removed two or three years earlier.

"The plutonium is vulnerable today to a catastrophic release in an earthquake or terrorist attack," said Marylia Kelley of Tri-Valley CAREs at a public hearing last week on the National Nuclear Security Administration's plan to revamp the nuclear weapons complex. "It can be taken out by 2010 safely."

The amount of nuclear material the lab has is classified, but four years ago it asked to double the amount of plutonium it is allowed to have to 3,300 pounds.

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