Reading Room

Sunday, January 06, 2008  
Congresswoman can take the heat

By: Lisa Vorderbrueggen
Published In: Contra Costa Times

Tauscher also earns mixed reviews from one of the most vocal federal laboratory watchdog and anti-nuclear organizations, Tri-Valley Communities Against a Nuclear Environment. Tauscher has two national laboratories in her district, Lawrence Livermore and Sandia, which play a key research role in the U.S. nuclear weapons program.

The group's executive director, Marylia Kelley, says Tauscher gets high marks for her support of a resource center for federal employees sickened by exposure to radioactivity and toxic materials. She also says Tauscher helped eliminate funding for the development of nuclear "bunker busters," bombs designed to hit underground targets.

But Kelley says Tauscher has failed to vigorously oppose the Department of Energy's initial design of a new generation of nuclear weapons.

"I don't want to slam Tauscher in ways that are unfair because she has taken it upon herself to educate herself in the greatest detail about the operations of the laboratories," Kelley said. "On the other hand, when I've talked to her and her staff, it's not that they oppose (our goals), but they aren't focused on them. That's been disappointing."

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