Reading Room

Saturday, September 22, 2007  
Warhead replacement policy a threat

By: Beverly King, Tri-Valley CAREs board member
Published In: Tri-Valley Herald

Complex 2030 is the Department of Energy's policy to replace every nuclear warhead in our nuclear stockpile. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is designing the first of these weapons in a program called Reliable Replacement Warhead, a benign name for a dangerous venture. The policy is against the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty our country has signed. More nuclear materials are a threat to the environment at a staggering cost of $150 billion. When we create more nukes, we give excuses for other nations to do likewise, an international danger. Deterioration of the environment and people's health; the immediate and longterm destruction of radioactivity; the cost; and the threat to world peace are good reasons to protest the DOE's policy.

We, the public, have the opportunity to object to the policy and especially the dangers of more radioactive materials used in our town. A community meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Oct. 3 at the United Christian Church, 1886 College Ave., Livermore, to inform the public of the consequences of Lawrence Livermore lab being chosen for this research.

The public will have the opportunity to speak or write to the DOE and LLNL at a public hearing in the near future. Our voices carry weight in policy decisions. We must raise our voices in objection by being informed, contacting our representatives and the media and attending hearings. This way, we can protect our community against further radioactive exposure and help create a safer, more peaceful world.

Beverly King


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