Tri-Valley CAREs
Communities Against a Radioactive Environment
For immediate release: April 11, 2008
Special Event: Bonnie Raitt
for more information, contact:
Marylia Kelley, Executive Director, Tri-Valley CAREs, (925) 443-7148

Bonnie Raitt donates concert tickets to help Tri-Valley CAREs stop nuclear weapons and promote cleanup of toxic and radioactive waste.
Special tickets go on "pre-public" sale Monday, April 14, 2008 at 10 am PDT. To benefit Tri-Valley CAREs, tickets must be purchased through the nonprofit Guacamole Fund at (click here)
Bay Area, CA-- Legendary singer-guitarist Bonnie Raitt, a nine-time Grammy winner and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame member, and her band will be performing at the Wente Vineyards in Livermore, CA on September 2, 2008.
Bonnie has made available some great seats to benefit Tri-Valley CAREs, the Livermore-based nuclear weapons "watchdog" group that monitors activities at Livermore Lab and throughout the nuclear weapons complex.
Raitt's generosity will support the group's efforts to stop the development of new nuclear weapons and promote the cleanup of toxic and radioactive wastes that are already seeping into soil and groundwater at Livermore Lab. The proceeds will also benefit Tri-Valley CAREs' long-term goal of transforming Livermore Lab from nuclear weapons design to a "green lab" devoted to needed research on global warming, non-polluting renewable energy sources and related civilian science initiatives.
The Gold and Silver Circle VIP tickets are located in the Orchestra Section in Rows D and E. Gold Circle tickets are $300 and include a fabulous show and a backstage visit with Bonnie. Silver Circle tickets are great seats for a great cause at $200. These special benefit tickets are available through the non-profit Guacamole Fund and are partially tax-deductible. This is an Internet sale only at (click here). Ticket sales start 10 am PDT, Monday, April 14.
This year marks a major milestone for Tri-Valley CAREs - twenty-five years of protecting the environment and working to end the scourge of nuclear weapons and war. "We are honored that Bonnie Raitt and the Guacamole Fund have chosen to benefit Tri-Valley CAREs this year," said the group's Executive Director, Marylia Kelley, whose home sits atop a contaminated groundwater plume emanating from Livermore Lab. "We will use the proceeds to 'speak truth to power' and stop a new H-bomb, which the government euphemistically calls the 'Reliable Replacement Warhead'."
Bonnie Raitt is a founding member of MUSE, Musicians United for Safe Energy, and has been an anti-nuclear activist for thirty years. The Guacamole Fund has worked with Bonnie and MUSE since the 1970s to promote safe energy. The two teamed up for the series of "No Nukes" concerts that resulted in the now-famous album and movie in 1979.
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